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The Spy in Your Mobile

   2023    Technology
Immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of global cybersecurity with this riveting documentary that navigates the operations of the NSO Group. As a private entity leading the charge in cyber intelligence technologies, Group's flagship spyware, PEGASUS, ignites international debates on surveillance and privacy rights. Delve into the clandestine layers of this contentious group and witness firsthand the intricate, and often unsettling realities of contemporary cyber surveillance.
The film scrutinizes the formidable and unnerving Pegasus spyware, retailed by the Israeli NSO Group, and employed against journalists, activists, and even entire governments. The ensuing tensions and frustrations create a drama that keeps you at the edge of your seat. Prepare to be enthralled by this real-life cyber saga; it's an exploration you won't want to miss.


   2023    Science
Female Isisaurus traverse the Deccan Traps to reach their nesting site. A mixed herd of sauropods and Prenocephale navigate a maze of canyons, but are ambushed by a pack of Velociraptor and a trio of Tarbosaurus. A colony of male Corythoraptor protect their eggs from the scorching sun by day, and a female Kuru kulla at night, who has offpsring of her own.
Trudging through a scorching desert, two young Tarchia find relief at an oasis and encounter an adult twice their size, ready to lay claim. Several Isisaurus hatchlings fall prey to Rajasaurus in an attempt to reach their ancestral home.
Series: Prehistoric Planet II


   2023    Science
Pterosaur hatchlings take flight to leave their island sanctuary, but are targeted by several Shamosuchus. Several Austroraptor hunt garfish and contend for the best fishing spots. A male Beelzebufo attempts to attract a mate, but his endeavor is interrupted by a herd of Rapetosaurus. A male Pachycephalosaurus must put an upstart youngster in his place. Two Tyrannosaurus brothers hunt Edmontosaurus under the cover of darkness.
Series: Prehistoric Planet II

A Robot Guide to Mars

   2023    Science
Mars is infested with robots, orbiting the planet and roaming the Martian surface on a mission to uncover its secrets; now, Perseverance joins this dedicated group of machines to uncover if there is, or was ever, life on the Red Planet.
Our neighbor, Mars, fascinates us. It's a planet that is similar to Earth but with some big differences. Mars is rusty, dusty, frigid, and frozen. Past missions suggest that Mars was once a very different world. The Mars we see today has completely changed from the Mars of a few billion years ago. Without a time machine to explore ancient Mars, we employ a team of high-tech robot investigators, an entire fleet of robotic spacecraft exploring the planet. Working together, they dig into Mars's past to answer the ultimate question -- did Mars once have life?
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

To End All War: Oppenheimer and the Atomic Bomb

   2023    Technology
The true story of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer's journey from driven and ambitious scientist to remorseful and tormented man struck hard by the gravity of what he had done. For Oppenheimer, the successful detonation of the first atom bomb validates years of tireless work. But in this moment of seeming triumph, Oppenheimer sees before him a destructive power of almost supernatural magnitude.
The films explores how one man's brilliance, hubris and relentless drive changed the nature of war forever.

The Most Violent Event in the Universe

   2023    Science
The collision of two supermassive black holes is the most violent event that can occur in the universe; experts explore where a black hole's energy originates and what really happens when the two most powerful objects in the cosmos clash. It is a soul-chilling, mind-crushing amount of energy. Take your ringside seat to the ultimate fight of the universe. Get ready for the final of the cosmos heavyweight championship.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11