25 years after its premiere, 'The Sopranos,' the paradigm-shifting HBO series, remains a cultural phenomenon and a benchmark of prestige television. Acclaimed filmmaker Alex Gibney delves into the psyche of celebrated creator and screenwriter David Chase to illuminate his life and career, while offering a unique window into his incomparable work on the iconic series. Discover firsthand accounts and revelations from the people who brought the groundbreaking show to life, with our offer of all episodes of the documentary series ‘Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos.’
Earth may seem like the most hospitable planet in the solar system. But look again. Startling new discoveries reveal the blue planet has been plagued by more chaos and destruction than scientists once imagined. Stand on the Earth billions of years ago as a primitive planet called Theia slams into it. Shiver as our entire globe is frozen over like a gigantic snowball. Feel the heat as mammoth volcanoes scorch the landscape and darken the sky. From a cosmic gamma ray burst frying away the ozone layer to an Everest-size asteroid slamming into the ocean, we'll reveal new information about how these unparalleled events drove life to the brink of total extinction. Out of this continuous devastation, how has our planet--and life--got to where it is today? Are the worst days behind us--or lurking in the distant future?
An in-depth look into the life and work of the iconic artist and musician Frank Zappa. As a singer, songwriter, rock guitarist, classical composter, recording producer and even occasional film director, Frank Zappa was as difficult to describe as his eclectic music was throughout his 30-year career. Zappa was without peer, a singular entity who branched out in countless directions, and in the process, became one of the most important and influential musical artists of the latter-20th century. With his most famous band, The Mothers of Invention, he blended rock, jazz, classical, doo-wop, R&B and avant-garde stylings with strange, sexually-tinged lyrics and absurd stage theatrics to create a wholly unique live experience, while in the studio producing outside-the-mainstream albums.
Discover firsthand accounts and revelations from the people who brought the groundbreaking show to life, with our offer of all episodes of the documentary series ‘Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos.’