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Playing God: Editing the Building Blocks of Life

   2021    Medicine
The film explores the revolutionary gene-editing tech now giving humankind the freedom to redraw the blueprint of biological life itself. We investigate not only the tremendous potential the technology holds, whether in the fight to eliminate diseases or in transforming agriculture to adapt to unprecedented climate extremes, but also probe th ...e inherent risks involved and the potential for widespread abuse, dangers that could take our future down a very dark, dystopian path.   Show More
Series: 2030 At a Crossroads to the Future

Secrets in our DNA

   2021    Medicine
Some 30 million Americans have sent their DNA to be analysed by companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA. But what happens once the sample is in the hands of testing companies, and how accurate are their results? The film explores the power of genetic data to reveal family connections, ancestry, and health risks—and even solve criminal cold cas   Show More

The Genetic Revolution

   2019    Medicine
Trailblazing scientists are making ground-breaking discoveries in the rapidly evolving world of genetic engineering. Technologies like CRISPR are making it possible to quickly and cheaply change the DNA of all living things, including humans. Today, genes can be edited almost as easily as words on a computer screen. This new ability to alter ...our DNA holds the promise of curing disease , saving threatened species, solving the problem of world hunger and maybe even obtaining human perfection. But will the promise be fulfilled and at what cost?
The ability to gain control of our DNA is ground-breaking and revolutionary but there are varying opinions among scientists as to how the technology should be used responsibly. This documentary follows the science as it progresses at a breakneck speed.
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Hidden Treasures in Our DNA

   2019    Medicine    HD
Explore the hottest area of bioscience, genomics with stunning live image, quality CGI, the forefront research, and real human stories.
Previously it was thought that only 2% of our DNA is meaningful and the remaining 98% is non-coding 'junk'. But today we are beginning to know how the junk part of our DNA works to decide our personal ch ...aracteristics and tendencies.   Show More
Series: Dynamic Genomes Series

Rapidly Evolving Human

   2018    Science    HD
We humans often like to think we're the end of the line when it comes to evolution. But if we rewind through our short time on Earth as a species, and the many changes that have occurred to us along the way, we find we're still very much a work in progress. Renowned geneticist and author Spencer Wells reveals how changes in our genetic code h ...ave fuelled major changes in our appearance and capabilities over time, and why scientists believe we're continuing to rapidly evolve today. By understanding these changes, we are better prepared for the future.   Show More

Playing God

   2012    Medicine
Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists, the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider's web. It is part of a new field of research, synthetic biology, with a radical aim: to break down nature into spare parts so that we can rebuild it however we please. This te ...chnology is already being used to make bio-diesel to power cars. Other researchers are looking at how we might, one day, control human emotions by sending 'biological machines' into our brains.   Show More