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Review of the Year

   2019    Science
Looking back on the major stories of the year - from the New Horizons mission to the most distant world we have ever visited to the release of the first-ever picture of a black hole. The team relive the highlights and uncover the latest developments.
Series: The Sky at Night


   2011    Science
No planet beats Saturn for jaw-dropping beauty. Saturn is the most photogenic planet in all the solar system. Some of the pictures are to die for. But the postcards only tell part of the story. It really is rolling and seething inside. For ringside action, soar above the planet with its six-sided storms. Even more mystery surrounds the impressive Fountains of Enceladus where the secrets of life might spring from the moons salty geysers. And the samples are coming out in space, there's a big sign there: Free Samples: Take One.
Series: A Traveler Guide to the Planets

Saturn Lord of the Rings

   2007    Science
Are the rings of Saturn a real celestial phenomenon or merely a cosmic Illusion? Technology allows the experts to get closer to the furthest planet visible to the naked eye. Old questions are answered and new ones arise. Does Saturn hold the key to Earth's weather and will one of its moons supply us with all the oil we'll ever need?
Series: The Universe

Second Earth

   2015    Science
20 years ago, two astronomers made a remarkable discovery, one which would change the way we view the universe for ever. A planet outside our solar system, orbiting a distant star - an exoplanet. Since then, we have found worlds where it rains diamonds, ones that boil at 3,000 degrees centigrade and even a world with four suns in its sky. But the big question is - will we ever find another Earth? As we close in on the discovery of the 2,000th planet outside our solar system, or exoplanet, we investigates the techniques that are revealing so much about these alien worlds. The documentary asks if we are really any closer to finding another world like our own - a second Earth.
Series: The Sky at Night

Secret Lives of Neutrinos

   2021    Science
Our world, our solar system, our universe, none of it would exist without a ghostly particle called the neutrino. They are our early warning system whenever there's trouble in the universe. Neutrinos trigger star-killing explosions, supernovas. Neutrinos can answer so many questions, from why do we exist to how was the universe created. Neutrinos can be the very reason that we exist at all. The more we understand these elusive particles, the more we can gain insight into how the universe works.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Secrets of the Asteroids

   2021    Science
The mission of NASA's Osiris-Rex is to intercept a giant space rock and crack the mysteries of a potential killer asteroid. Can it unlock how asteroids kick-start life on Earth and reveal why they might be our ticket to other worlds? To find out, we take a ride with one of NASA's most ambitious missions to investigate a space rock in more detail than ever before, to reveal how asteroids will rewrite the past and forge the future of our solar system.
Series: Space Deepest Secrets Series 8


2009  Nature
The Climate Wars

The Climate Wars

The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature


2018  Nature
Top Gear

Top Gear

2012  Technology
Rome Second Season

Rome Second Season

The Human Body

The Human Body

1998  Medicine