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Mauritius: The Extreme Punishment Prison

   2020    Culture
The tropical island of Mauritius is home to Melrose maximum security prison, where 800 of the country's worst drug smugglers, sex offenders and murderers are locked up. Every convict is watched day and night and even the smallest infraction is met with extreme punishment.
Series: Inside the World Toughest Prisons


   2021    Culture
After losing his drive to continue surfing at Nazaré, Garrett McNamara decides to return to competitive surfing at other big-wave sites. In order to compete in a tournament at California's Mavericks surf site, he must surf there regularly, something that he has done many times in the past. McNamara returns to Mavericks only to suffer a horrific injury on a wave he should have aced.
Series: 100 Foot Wave

Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God

   2012    Culture
Alex Gibney explores the charged issue of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, following a trail from the first known protest against clerical sexual abuse in the United States and all the way to the Vatican. The title is derived from the Latin phrase "mea maxima culpa". It is taken from the Confiteor that is part of the Roman Catholic Mass. It translates into English as "My most grievous fault" The film examines the abuse of power in the Catholic Church system through the story of four deaf men who set out to expose the priest who abused them during the mid-1960s. Each of the men brought forth the first known case of public protest against clerical sex abuse, which later lead to the sex scandal case known as the Lawrence Murphy case. Through their case the film follows a cover-up that winds its way from the row houses of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, through Ireland's churches, all the way to the highest office of the Vatican.


   2021    Nature
Jeremy Clarkson discovers why British farmers are always complaining about the weather. It’s mostly because it never does what they want it to do.
Series: Clarkson Farm

Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes

   2021    Culture
Serial killer Dennis Nilsen narrates his life and horrific crimes via a series of chilling audiotapes recorded from his jail cell. Set against the backdrop of 1980s Britain, when mass unemployment drew young men to London in search of their fortunes, only to find themselves destitute and easy prey, and weaving together interviews from police, journalists, survivors, bereaved families, and - for the first time the killer's own voice, this feature length documentary explores how Nilsen was able to get away with multiple murders and attacks, unchallenged, for five years.

Men Rights

   2018    Culture
The films looks at the world of men's rights activists. Buzzfield reporter Scaachi Koul talks about her personal online encounters with the aggressive anti-feminist movement and talks to an expert who describes them as misogynistic. She talks to a female men's rights activist to find out what she has to say. She also looks at programs that try to help men without blaming women.
Series: Follow This