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"Physics"  Sort by

Is There Life After Death

   2011    Science
Everyone from the most simple-minded to the deepest thinking has pondered a question that strikes at the core of our existence: Is there life after death? What happens to the soul after we die? People who have had near-death experiences claim to have visited the other side before getting yanked back into consciousness. Now, some of the brightest minds in science are trying to understand how life can persist beyond the physical and what will it look like. It might be a quantum state based on the fundamental laws of the universe. Ultimately, it is a journey that struggles to decode the most complicated instrument in the universe: the human brain.
Series: Through the Wormhole

Is Time Travel Possible

   2011    Science
Einstein's world-shaking Theory of Relativity says that time travel is perfectly possible -- if you're going forward in time. Finding a way to travel backwards requires breaking the speed of light, which so far seems impossible. But now, strange-but-true phenomena such as quantum nonlocality (where particles instantly teleport across vast distances) may give us a way to make the dream of traveling back and forth through time a reality. Step into a time machine and rewrite history, bring loved ones back to life, control our destinies. But if succeed, what are the consequences of such freedom? Will we get trapped in a plethora of paradoxes and multiple universes that will destroy the fabric of the universe?
Series: Through the Wormhole

Journey to a Black Hole

   2021    Science
We as humans often question the creation of the universe. How was the universe created? How does it work? This series uses global experts from organizations like NASA and CERN to help us understand how this works, and uses CGI to demonstrate the phenomena.
Episode 1 starts the new season as we dive deep into the black holes. The galaxy M87 is known for having at the core a super massive black hole. This black hole is the first ever photographed and we will witness the experts trying to find out the secrets of this famous black hole. In the meantime, they have overcome the scorching winds and death ray jets. And of all its hurdles, the event horizon will be the most difficult. This place is known for its uniqueness of time and space, where time stays still while the laws of physics fail.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Journeys in Space and Time

   1980    Science
Ideas about time and space are explored in the changes that constellations undergo over time, the redshift and blue shift measured in interstellar objects, time dilation in Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, the designs of both Leonardo da Vinci and spacecraft that could travel near light speed, time travel and its hypothetical effects on human history, the origins of the Solar System, the history of life, and the immensity of space. In Cosmos Update, the idea of faster-than-light travel by wormholes (researched by Kip Thorne and shown in Sagan’s novel Contact) is discussed.
Series: Cosmos

Let there be Life

   2014    Science
Professor of physics Jim Al-Khalili investigates the most accurate and yet perplexing scientific theory ever - quantum physics, the perplexing theory of sub-atomic particles. Turning his attention to the world of nature, can quantum mechanics explain the greatest mysteries in biology? The European robin navigates using one of the most bizarre effects in physics - quantum entanglement, a process which seems to defy common sense. Jim finds that even the most personal of human experiences - our sense of smell - is touched by ethereal quantum vibrations. According to new experiments it seems that our quantum noses are listening to smells. Jim discovers that the most famous law of quantum physics - the uncertainty principle - is obeyed by plants and trees as they capture sunlight during the vital process of photosynthesis. Jim wonders if the strange laws of the sub-atomic world, which allow objects to tunnel through impassable barriers in defiance of common sense, could effect the mechanism by which living species evolve?
Series: The Secrets of Quantum Physics

Life of a Universe Creation

   2017    Science    HD
In this 2-part special, Professor Brian Cox tackles the biggest story of them all, the story of our Universe. In the first episode, Creation, Brian probes our moment of creation. How did our Universe come into existence? Was there a time before the Big Bang? Do our laws of physics inexorably lead to the existence of us?
Series: Life of a Universe


2016  Culture
Life of a Universe

Life of a Universe

2017  Science
Wild Russia

Wild Russia

2009  Nature
The Last Dance

The Last Dance

2020  Culture
How to Grow a Planet

How to Grow a Planet

2012  Science
The Beauty of Maps

The Beauty of Maps

2010  Art
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture