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Monsters of the Deep

   2018    Nature
Zachary Quinto sets out to research the strangest creatures dug up from the depths of the ocean and to see how much they lend to the monsters that are depicted in myth and legend. Starting in Australia, he meets with a teenager who was savagely attacked by a swarm of mysterious flesh-eating monsters, only to jump into the water himself the next day amongst highly venomous sea creatures.
From the carnivorous fish of American rivers to the eyeless monsters of the Atlantic Ocean, Zachary finds some merit in these old monster stories and is starting to understand just what we mean when we say that we know less than 1% of what waits in the depths below.
Series: In Search of

Monsters of the Milky Way

   2019    Science
The center of our galaxy is one of the most nightmarish places in the cosmos. It's the home to some of the most incredible forces the universe has to offer. Gas streaming everywhere, stars are being born and dying and exploding, radiation blasting out. And at the very heart is the super massive black hole, 4 million times the mass of the sun. But also the Milky Way, is our safe harbour, our island in this vast, cosmic ocean. And so to understand the heart of our galaxy, is to understand our home in this cosmic void.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8


   2009    History
Montezuma Dan Snow journeys to the ancient heart of Mexico in search of the lost civilisation of the Aztecs and their last and greatest ruler, Montezuma II (1502-1520). Montezuma inherited an empire of five million people, stretching from present-day Mexico to Nicaragua, from his uncle. His rule was marked by incessant warfare. Enemy states were growing more powerful and conquered tribes were becoming more rebellious. Within months of taking the throne in 1502, he went changed a man of good reason into a pitiless autocrat who declared himself a god, believing that fear and ruthlessness were the only ways to stop the empire falling apart. Yet it was at the hands of Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors that Montezuma met his downfall. But what was his relationship with Cortes, and why did such a ruthless leader submit to his captors with such relative ease? As Dan Snow visits the ruins and picks through current excavations, he pieces together the evidence of a gripping story: a divine tragedy of errors, the clash of civilisations, the end of a world - and a very human God.

Monty Don: Spanish Gardens

   2024    Art
Monty Don embarks on a journey across Spain, discovering gardens across the country’s diverse landscape and exploring its rich and varied history and culture. He will cover more than 4,000 kilometres to visit some of its most interesting gardens, community projects and parks in order to get under the skin of the country. His trips range from historic imperial palaces to cutting-edge modern gardens created by a new wave of Spanish designers working more closely with the landscape and the challenges of the climate.
“Spain's history and its landscapes, climates and cultures have huge diversity. And in this series, I want to get under the skin of the country by visiting as many gardens in Spain as I can so I can shed light on this nation's past, its future and its people. The result is a picture not just of its gardens but this fascinating country itself. Dramatic, proud, complex, but always compelling.”


   2000    Science
The little known story of our quest to understand the origins of the Moon. Neil Armstrong's "giant leap for mankind" began a scientific journey of discovery that lead to one of the most startling conclusions in the history of astronomy. The Moon was born from Earth.
Series: The Planets

Moon Bears on Planet Earth

The documentary shows the daily activities performed by the local and international staff who lives and works inside the Bear Rescue Center situated in Tam Dao National park, Northern Vietnam. Interviews, original and archive footage are edited to explain life, tasks and achievements of this NGO managed by Animals Asia.
In this natural sanctuary, moon bears and sun bears are rescued, treated, kept safe and nursed: they are now free from the suffering caused by the cruel tortures of bile farming and extraction process. Since thousands of years bear bile products are in use in traditional oriental medicine and even nowadays it generates around two billions dollars of illegal business.
Animals Asia staff is not only assuring better living and relief for rescued bears but promotes educational awareness about the bile farming issues, employees and generates fare trades for a relevant number of people of this rural area of Vietnam.
Future Warfare

Future Warfare

2021  Technology
Mind Field Season 1

Mind Field Season 1

2017  Medicine


2015  Culture
Big Oil vs The World

Big Oil vs The World

2022  Nature
Human Universe

Human Universe

2014  History
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
The Story of God

The Story of God

2016  Culture