Directed by award-winning filmmaker Jenner Furst, the film delves into the origins of COVID-19, exploring the possibility of a bio-arms race with China and what could be one of the largest cover-ups in modern history. Furst embarks on a quest for answers from Dr. Anthony Fauci, analyzing extensive documents and consulting with scientists, intelligence analysts, former government officials, and whistleblowers. This investigative journey aims to depoliticize a highly controversial topic, presenting an urgent scientific docu-thriller that has been described as "Oppenheimer meets Outbreak." The documentary has garnered attention for its compelling narrative and in-depth investigation. Critics have noted its ability to present complex information in an engaging manner, leaving viewers both informed and intrigued. For those interested in the intricate details of the COVID-19 pandemic's origins and the controversies surrounding it, "Thank You, Dr. Fauci" provides a thought-provoking and meticulously researched perspective.
A powerful movement is exploiting our fears, persuading some to believe the vaccine was designed to control or even kill us. Who are the people behind the international anti-Covid-vaccine movement and why are they doing it? In the anti-vax movement - where is the money? The money comes from a small but very well-heeled network of donors and philanthropists who fund anybody reinforcing their opinions. The film is a journey inside the astonishing world of the anti-vaxxers.
Deep Throat comes forward with the orders of anonymity with the horror story of what happened in 1994 with the charges against Maskell. With the location of a secret grave of documents, Deep Throat’s story contradicts the story of the former state’s attorney Sharon A.H. May. The group begins to investigate Dr. Richter who worked with Maskell to groom girls and their families. As the case prepares for a potential trial, the disappearance of Father Maskell causes problems as the prosecutors find themselves defending the idea of repressed memories. When things fall apart, victims still find themselves seeking justice. Abbie and Gemma seek the links between Jean and the killer... which leads to a man named Brother Bob.
'The Coldest War': With the polar ice caps shrinking due to global warming, new trade routes are being exposed, along with billions of dollars' worth of natural-resource reserves. The five nations bordering the Arctic are readying themselves to fight for it. The problem is that there's one non-NATO country that already considers itself rightful owner of the region: Russia. With Vladimir Putin's recent military annexation of Crimea, there's a definite possibility its aggressions will boil over, returning the international community to precarious Cold War footing. We will head north to witness NATO forces participating in the largest polar military exercise in history. 'Heroin Warfare': Since the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, heroin production in the region has skyrocketed, making the country the number-one producer by a large margin. Though Iran, Afghanistan's neighbor, is an ultraconservative country, Afghan heroin flowing across the border has actually caused Iran to have the worst heroin use problem in the world. Suroosh Alvi gets a rare look inside Iran to meet the suffering heroin addicts, and see how the country is coping with the illegal drug trade.
Charles Franz talks about his relationship with Father Maskell as a young student and reveals what he knows about the Church’s involvement with Maskell. Cathy’s sister sees the necklace given by Edgar Davidson and questions if it has significance. Potential DNA and evidence could exist for the crime, and the police might be forced to act. A push for victims’ rights in Maryland goes to a committee but getting justice might be more difficult... and time doesn’t stand still for anyone.
'Crude Awakening'- To combat the worst environmental disaster in American history, BP and the Coast Guard dumped nearly 2 million gallons of a chemical dispersant called Corexit into the Gulf. But instead of helping clean up the spill, Corexit made things worse. Shane Smith heads to Louisiana to report on the lasting effects of the BP oil spill. 'The Enemy of My Enemy' - Yemen, the fractured state in the Arabian peninsula, is at the top of the worry list for President Obama's national security team, and the rise of Al Qaeda there is only half the reason why. The real trouble is a current threat posed by the little-known Houthi rebel movement in the north of the country - a grassroots army, allegedly funded by Iran, that has never granted access to any other Western film crew before. Ben Anderson goes deep into Houthi-controlled territory to learn about the group that's fighting, and beating, Al Qaeda in the east, Saudi Arabia in the north, and Yemen's central government in the south.
The documentary has garnered attention for its compelling narrative and in-depth investigation. Critics have noted its ability to present complex information in an engaging manner, leaving viewers both informed and intrigued. For those interested in the intricate details of the COVID-19 pandemic's origins and the controversies surrounding it, "Thank You, Dr. Fauci" provides a thought-provoking and meticulously researched perspective.