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The Putin Interviews 3of4

   2017    Culture
Putin thinks that the West must understand that today's Russia cannot function exactly as the West does, already. Putin also explains his views on NATO, and cannot see any reason to why this military alliance has grown after the fall of Communism in Europe.
When Stone asks about Putin's views on Edward Snowden and whether he is a traitor or not, Putin replies, 'No he is not, as he never has worked for any foreign country,' and also claims that Russian intelligence does not know anything more than what Snowden already had leaked before he arrived at Moscow.
Series: The Putin Interviews

The Putin Interviews 4of4

   2017    Culture
This is a destabilizing documentary that challenges Americans’ narratives and asks the viewer to engage in a conversation with a slippery subject. It’s riveting in how dangerous and intimate it feels, leveraging its multiple camera-angles and hand-held shots to make the viewer feel as if they, too, are in the room with Vladimir Putin.
As a conversation that covers a vast span of Russian history, culture, and politics as refracted through the mind of Russia’s president — it’s often remarkable. During an extraordinary career, Stone has never pretended to be an unbiased journalist and he’s not about to feign pretense now.
Series: The Putin Interviews

The Rebel Spirit

   2018    Culture
Freeman's quest to understand what makes a rebellion successful brings him face-to-face with exiles, whistle blowers, hackers and movement leaders. From Berlin to Bolivia to the United States, he'll see the courage, dedication, hard work and hope that it takes to try to change the world.
Series: The Story of Us

The Rise of Putin

   2020    History
A definitive account of Putin's power and how it changed the modern world. The series is an exploration of how Vladimir Putin brought his knowledge of spy-craft to bear on his leadership of Russia, how his personal experiences have influenced his politics and how modern Russia has been created through an acute sense of betrayal, pride and anger.
The first episode takes viewers on a journey into the mind of one of the 21st century's most influential leaders, offering a portrait of a politician who modelled himself on the Russian James Bond and whose presidency reads like a spy thriller. We will see how Putin escapes poverty by joining the KGB, his reinvention as a political fixer in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union and how he gets into position to take over from President Yeltsin.
Series: Putin: A Russian Spy Story

The Shock Doctrine

   2009    Economy
The Shock Doctrine is a devastating critique of the free market policies which have come to dominate the world. Using shock therapy as a metaphor, the film investigates Klein's central idea of disaster capitalism. Naomi Klein's explores how both natural and man-made disasters are used to force disadvantageous political and economic changes on unwilling governments is brought to the screen in this documentary. The Shock Doctrine explores how the United States, with the help of the C.I.A., became enamored of Milton Friedman's interpretation of free-market capitalism and attempted to persuade developing nations of its value.

The Spirit of forty five

The film is focused on and celebrating the radical changes in postwar Britain under the Labour government of Clement Attlee, which came to power in 1945. Relying primarily on archive footage and interviews, and without a narrative voiceover, the documentary recounts the endemic poverty in prewar Britain, the sense of optimism that followed victory in World War II and the subsequent expansion of the welfare state, founding of the National Health Service and nationalisation of significant parts of the UK's economy.
The film documents the extent to which these achievements, as the filmmaker Ken Loach sees them, have since been subject to attack in the decades that followed, particularly under the Conservative governments of Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s
Human Planet

Human Planet

2011  Culture
Space Race

Space Race

2005  Technology
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
The Planets

The Planets

2000  Science
The Story of the Jews

The Story of the Jews

2013  History