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Arctic Ice Hotel

   2019    Technology
Deep inside the arctic circle, this team of elite engineers Is embarking on an epic endeavor. They're attempting to build a unique structure, one of the largest snow and ice hotels in the world. Constructed from more than 15,000 tons of snow and ice, spanning over 26,000 square feet, they are pushing to complete this ambitious build in an unheard-of six weeks.
Engineers brave the cold and nights of the Arctic Circle to build the Ice Hotel. Using cutting-edge tech, they'll construct this modern marvel in just six weeks.
Series: Building Giants

Are Aliens Inside Us

   2015    Culture
Odds are excellent that extraterrestrial life exists. So why haven’t we found aliens out in the galaxy? Are we looking in the wrong places? New research shows we should look closer to home, even inside our bodies. It turns out that a lot of our DNA is from a mysterious, nonhuman source. Theoretically, alien microbial life can make the journey to Earth from distant worlds, and scientists are finding some unearthly microbes in our upper atmosphere. Could it be from outer space? Could we be part alien? It’s even possible alien life is already here as digital life forms, hiding inside our technology.
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 6

Are Black Holes Real

   2018    Science    HD
Various eminent scientists explain the current knowledge of Black Holes and try to answer the question, do they really exist? New discoveries are challenging everything we know about black holes -- astronomers are beginning to question if they even exist. The latest science tries to explain how they work & what they look like, despite the fact we've never actually seen one.
The two great theories of Einstein's General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics don't work together to explain Black Holes which is a big problem. Other theoretical constructs such as Gravastars and Planck stars have been postulated but proving their existence is just as difficult as that of Black Holes. So where next?
Series: How the Universe Works Season 6

Are there More Than Two Sexes

   2016    Medicine
Boy or girl? It’s the eternal question. But that question may have more than two answers. Science reveals the line between male and female is blurred. And the battle of the sexes is happening deep within our cells. Are there more than two sexes?
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 7

Are Video Games Really That Bad

   2015    Medicine
The video game industry is a global phenomenon. There are over 1.2 billion gamers across the planet, with sales projected soon to pass $100 billion per year. But their very popularity fuels the controversy that surrounds them. They frequently stand accused of corrupting the young - of causing violence and addiction. But is this true? The scientific community is deeply divided". Some are convinced that video games incite aggression. Others insist they have no effect whatsoever on real-world violence. But away from the controversy, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests video games may help keep the brain sharp, and could soon revolutionise how we combat mental decline as we age.

Are We All Bigots

   2015    Culture
If you had less than one second to make a life-or-death decision to shoot a man who might be armed with a lethal weapon, what would you do? Would the ethnicity of the man affect your decision? Are you sure? The outcome – whatever your race – will surprise you. Brain imaging studies are showing that negative cultural stereotypes hijack everyone’s subconscious decision-making. But some science says we can overcome bigotry through exposure, self-awareness and flexible social networks… and, most controversially of all, ultra-violent video games!
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 6


2006  Nature
The Jinx

The Jinx

2024  History


2009  Nature


2021  Culture


2020  History