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Alien Planets Revealed

   2014    Science
It's a golden age for planet hunters: recently, they've discovered more than 750 planets orbiting stars beyond our sun. Some of them, like a planet called Kepler-22b, might even be able to harbor life. What would that life look like? Combining startling animation with input from expert astrobiologists, Alien Planets Revealed takes viewers on a journey of the imagination as we 'build' aliens from the ground up. What chemical building blocks will make up their genetic code? How will life get started and how will the exotic environment on a planet like Kepler-22b drive evolution? Bringing the creative power of veteran animators together with the latest discoveries in astrobiology, Alien Planets Revealed provides a glimpse of the creatures we might one day encounter beyond our solar system.

Edge of the Universe

   2019    Science
Does the universe, have a limit? Does the universe have an edge? Looking out to the edge of the universe is tremendously important to understand our place in the cosmos and to understand the universe itself.
Inflation was a formative moment for our universe. By the time it stopped, the universe's basic characteristics were set. There could be regions of the greater universe where inflation didn't stop then. Occasionally a little region will stop inflating and just expand at the normal rate. We could imagine a super large-scale structure where there's different regions of the universe, domains, and each domain has different local constants and laws of physics.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8

Playing with Nuclear Fire

   2014    Technology
Playing with Nuclear Fire' - In March 2011, the Tohoku earthquake in Japan created a tsunami that killed some 16,000 people and crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In the aftermath, the government and TEPCO, the plant's operator, withheld information about the extent of the damage. Three years later, citizens and the international community are left wondering if Japan really does have the situation under control, as the government is insisting, or if the danger is far greater than anyone is willing to admit. 'No Man Left Behind' - It's estimated that over a quarter million vets from recent wars have sought treatment for PTSD. Despite these statistics, veterans often face an uphill battle to get treatment, receiving inadequate attention and, most dangerously, overprescribed narcotics and other pharmaceuticals. Ryan Duffy meets veterans struggling with mental illness and addiction.
Series: Vice

Plant Predators

   2002    Nature
The plant eaters take on the largely indigestible, spiny and poisonous defences of plants with some spectacular physical adaptations to diet. Plant Predators demonstrates the particular (and often peculiar) adaptations of herbivores
Series: The Life of Mammals

SLS: NASA Mega Rocket

   2022    Technology
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) is the most powerful rocket ever built. This is the story of the incredible engineering that went into building it, told first-hand by NASA’s best rocket engineers. Building the rocket that will take us back to the Moon is no easy task, but the payoff will be phenomenal.
Series: Secrets of the Universe

Microscopic Universe

   2012    Science
The key to understanding the universe seems to be understanding its smallest components. But the quantum realm bears little resemblance to the universe we know. Image a particle that can be many places at the same time and communicate changes instantly across vast distances, even to the other side of the Universe. Shrinking down billions of times, into the realm of atoms and sub-atomic particles, takes us into a bizarre world of paradoxes and multiverses. Explore with us quantum physics and the potential applications in computer science.
Series: The Universe
The Story of God

The Story of God

2016  Culture
One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock

2018  Science
Prehistoric Planet

Prehistoric Planet

2022  Science
Cursed Films

Cursed Films

2020  Art
The Last Dance

The Last Dance

2020  Culture
Life in a Day

Life in a Day

2021  Culture