The series ‘Life on Our Planet’ brought to life by Steven Spielberg and narrated by Morgan Freeman, unfolds the remarkable and epic four-billion-year journey of life on Earth. Its captivating narrative explores the continuous battle of life to conquer and survive, delving into the history of the 20 million species that exist today. However, what we witness is merely a snapshot in time; 99% of Earth's inhabitants are buried in our deep past. This series weaves the tales of these dynasties, chronicling their rise and fall in a story that is as incredible as it is enlightening, sparking a profound interest in the history and resilience of life on Earth. The first episode traces the evolution of life on our planet and highlights the diversity of life, from ancient sharks to the reign of dinosaurs and the emergence of mammals. The episode showcases the constant struggle for survival and adaptation across different eras, illustrating the dynamic and often brutal nature of Earth's evolution.
Dave Grohl returns to his musical roots, while the Foo Fighters prepare to record at Seattle's Robert Lang Studio with Death Cab for Cutie's Benjamin Gibbard. Dave sets his focus on the Seattle music scene, mainly the grunge movement and its implications in American Rock Music. Interviews with Chris Cornell, Nancy Wilson, Bruce Pavitt.
In Southeast Alaska, there's an ice-bound Eden that harbors possibly the richest temperate rainforests of all. Where the coastal mountains meet the Pacific, lays the Alexander Archipelago, a remote island chain running for almost 300 miles along the Alaskan Panhandle. This frozen frontier is one of the last great wildernesses of North America. And a stronghold for the country's highest diversity of megafauna, feasting on the abundance of fleeting summers to make it through relentless winters.
How does a chef trained in the finest kitchens of France translate his haute cuisine to fast food? Ludo’s obsession with a perfectly cooked bird can be traced back to France, where he learned to roast chicken. His love for the American classic was solidified in 1996 when he arrived in LA and ate at KFC for the first time. “It was the same sensation,” he’s said, the crunchy skin and juicy flesh, and the gap between his two worlds was bridged. In this episode we learn how a Frenchman became famous for a truly American dish.
Fueled by a ruthless and maniacal ambition to conquer Central Japan, Nobunaga has destroyed many enemies who have underestimated him. His vicious military campaigns to weaken the powerful Buddhist institutions have turned large swathes of the population against him. As Nobunaga's cruelty intensifies, some generals begin to question his command, leading to a betrayal that alters the political landscape forever.
The war on drugs was upon them, and despite believing that they were untouchable, the authorities close in. The 'Cowboys' are left with three options: flee, flip or face the music. Falcon and Magluta, along with their associates, were ultimately arrested and tried for their crimes. But they won't go down so easily.
The first episode traces the evolution of life on our planet and highlights the diversity of life, from ancient sharks to the reign of dinosaurs and the emergence of mammals. The episode showcases the constant struggle for survival and adaptation across different eras, illustrating the dynamic and often brutal nature of Earth's evolution.