The series follows the tragedy that occurred when terrorists attacked at the annual Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. They carried out the attack by placing two homemade pressure cooker bombs which detonated near the finish line of the race 14 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart. That resulted in three fatalities and hundreds injured, including 17 who lost limbs. With the help of archive footage, interviews with investigators, witnesses, survivors, and occasional reenactments, it offers details about the FBI investigation into what was quickly deemed a domestic terrorist attack. In the first episode, hours after the blasts, investigators pore over evidence. One photo and a few seconds of footage lead to a breakthrough - and an agonizing choice.
Most people hope they'll live a long, healthy, and happy life, but few are able to travel the world in an attempt to reverse-engineer the formula for longevity. That's exactly what Dan Buettner did: Beginning in the early aughts, Buettner collaborated with National Geographic, scouring the globe in pursuit of places where people live much longer than average, and thus, the concept of 'Blue Zones' came to be. In the first episode, how can people live so long and with such great health? A trip to Okinawa reveals simple secrets about diet, lifestyle and longevity. They maintain a sense of purpose no matter what age and you won't find them laying on the sofa.
Located in Central America, Tikal is one of the largest of the ancient cities of the Mayan civilization. Occupied for more than a millennium, Tikal, founded in the 8th century BC and nestled in the jungle of Guatemala, will have up to 12,000 structures and reach over 2 million inhabitants. This episode shows its extraordinary pyramid-temples, designed with human power alone. Thanks to new technologies, the ancient Mayan city is revealed there, entirely reconstituted in 3D synthetic images.
The series chronicles David Beckham's meteoric rise to the pinnacle of world soccer and his transformation into a cultural icon. Beckham is one of the most well-known names on the planet, but few truly understand the man behind the fame. From his humble beginnings in working-class East London, through his unwavering determination to succeed, to his ongoing struggle to balance ambition, love, and family, David's journey is filled with numerous ups and downs. It is the story of one of the most recognized and scrutinized athletes of all time. In the first episode of the series, we delve into the early defining moments of David Beckham's life, shaping both his career and personal journey. It starts with a history-making goal in 1996, catapulting David to fame. As he becomes a household name, big spending and brand deals further fuel his popularity. However, a pivotal moment comes when he receives a red card during a match between England and Argentina, ultimately leading to England's loss. Throughout this episode, we also get a glimpse of David's initial encounters with Victoria.
The message of the group begins to change and losing identity and group mentality is pushed. With more lockdowns and rules, longtime members of the group begin to question or leave. With no sex permitted with members, Dick Joslyn’s membership in the cult poses problem for Do... leading to a new request for the group. With dwindling numbers, the group needs a new boost of membership. The Exit begins to be discussed as the Hale-Bopp Comet approaches.
In the first episode, hours after the blasts, investigators pore over evidence. One photo and a few seconds of footage lead to a breakthrough - and an agonizing choice.