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The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari

   2022    History
A close examination of the Whakaari / White Island volcanic eruption of 2019, in which 22 lives were lost, the film viscerally recounts a day when ordinary people were called upon to do extraordinary things, placing this tragic event within the larger context of nature's unpredictability and the resilience and power of our shared humanity. The film explores the profound impact on survivors, their unwavering determination to recover and rebuild, and the enduring effects of the eruption.
With remarkable personal stories, stunning visuals, and a poignant reflection on the forces of nature, this documentary offers a gripping portrayal of the human spirit and solidarity in the face of adversity. It is a must-watch for those interested in powerful storytelling and the resilience of the human spirit, with a captivating and thought-provoking narrative.


   2022    Technology
In the last episode, despite disturbing revelations of wrongdoing at Three Mile Island before and after the accident, the utility fights to bring the plant back online. Its Unit 1 had its license temporarily suspended following the incident at Unit 2. Although the citizens of the three counties surrounding the site voted by an overwhelming margin to retire Unit 1 permanently in a non-binding resolution in 1982, it was permitted to resume operations in 1985 following a 4–1 vote by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
In 2017, it was announced that operations would cease by 2019 due to financial pressure from cheap natural gas, unless lawmakers stepped in to keep it open. Unit 1 shut down on September 20, 2019.
Billed as the worst nuclear incident in U.S. history, what’s particularly scary here is how close Three Mile Island incident came to becoming a national disaster. Without giving away the whole story, cost-cutting 'solutions' almost cause a catastrophic disaster.
Series: Meltdown: Three Mile Island

Growing Pains

   2022    Culture
They have the raw talent, but can they handle the pressure? Now Yuki Tsunoda and Esteban Ocon must sink or swim in the rough waters of Formula 1. Yuki Tsunoda had to move from Tokyo to Milton Keynes and F1 cars are proving a bit more difficult to wield than the F2 machine in which he won races. Esteban Ocon is part of the all-French attack (from Enstone) in the shape of Alpine, soaking up the pressure to win the Hungarian GP.
Series: Formula 1 Season four

Planet Earth III: Freshwater

   2023    Nature
Covering one tenth of all species on the planet, Freshwater is a rich, diverse habitat filled with never-ending surprises. The fourth episode is set beneath the Yucatan Peninsula and spanning diverse locations like the rainforests of Costa Rica and the Kalahari Desert and presents a vivid exploration of how freshwater shapes life on Earth. The narrative journeys through the unique breeding rituals of gliding tree frogs in Costa Rica, the strategic hunting methods of mugger crocodiles in Sri Lanka, and the astonishing adaptations of wildlife in the Okavango Delta. It highlights the critical role of freshwater in supporting diverse ecosystems, from the teeming fish species in Lake Malawi to the perilous journey of gobies in Bioko.
The episode also addresses human impact, showcasing the extensive irrigation system in Pakistan and its unintended consequences on local wildlife, like the endangered Indus river dolphin. This captivating chapter not only showcases nature's marvels but also underscores the delicate balance between human needs and wildlife conservation.
Series: Planet Earth III

Following the Sun

   2023    Nature
As summer spreads across our planet, honey bees toil, snow geese breed, tadpoles awaken and lions stalk wildebeest in search of lush grass.
Our planet is solar-powered. But due to the Earth's tilt, it doesn't strike its surface evenly. This solar energy arrives in varying amounts at different times of the year. The huge increase that comes with summer also triggers countless migrations.
Series: Our Planet Season 2


   2022    Medicine
Over the past year, Chris Hemsworth have been exploring the science of living longer, doing everything he can to hold back time. But whatever he does, sooner or later, aging and death will win. Now Chris is facing his most extreme and emotional challenge: three days in a retirement village while wearing an aging suit that turns the simplest activity into a Herculean task. He'll be carrying an extra 30 pounds around and shoes that will make him unbalanced, apart from glasses to see improperly and acoustic earmuffs. Later on, Chris is going to do a death-bed meditation. He’s testing the theory that the best way to combat aging and fear of mortality might not be to fight it but accept it,
Series: Limitless with Chris Hemsworth
Walking with Cavemen

Walking with Cavemen

2003  History


2015  Culture
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature
Future Warfare

Future Warfare

2021  Technology
Seven Ages of Rock

Seven Ages of Rock

2007  Art
Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods

2009  History
Clarkson Farm

Clarkson Farm

2021  Nature
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature