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"Engineering"  Sort by

Hitler Supercars

   2020    Culture
The film tells the story of the ill-fated Nazi Land Speed record attempts. This is a story of engineering excellence, Grand Prix racing, Nazi propaganda, celebrity, and an intense rivalry which would leave a speed record unbroken for 79 years and one of Nazi Germany's best racing drivers dead. During the rise of the Third Reich two German car manufacturers were ordered to build the most high performance vehicles the world had ever seen. What followed was a rivalry that would reap Grand Prix victories, international domination that was a propaganda coup, and provide world fame to its drivers who risked their lives smashing speed records that would stand for 79 years. All under the direct orders of the Fuhrer himself.
Bugatti and Alfa Romeo dominated racing before 1934. But the years from 1934 to 1939 were six tumultuous years in which Grand Prix racing was dominated by the German Auto Union, the arranged marriage of Audi, Horch, Wanderer, and DKW, and Mercedes-Benz teams and provided a spectacle of speed, sound and fury never previously attained and never since matched. There are few periods of racing that have excited as much interest, event attendance and sophistication of equipment as the era of the Silver Cars. They were so far ahead of their time that many of their accomplishments were not duplicated until Mercedes went racing again in the early 1950s. There is also something about men who faced the challenges of staying in a cockpit of a highly sophisticated machine capable of 200 mph with no safety systems. They were giants and among them were Italian Tazio Nuvolari and two greatest German pilots of the thirties, Rudolf Caracciola of Mercedes and Auto Union's Bernd Rosemeyer who duelled with faster, more innovative and sleeker machines, developed in wind tunnels.
This special documentary charts the rise of Nazi Germany's dominate 'Silver Arrow' Grand Prix and Speed Record cars of the 1930's. Leading motor racing and World War 2 experts James Holland, Richard Williams, Eberhard Reuss and Chris Routledge tell the story of the Nazi funded Auto Union and Mercedes Benz 'National Racing Cars'. Hitler's Supercars interweaves the rise of the Third Reich with the racing exploits it funded and what propaganda messages these racing cars where sending.


   2020    Technology
It is the greatest technological challenge ever undertaken by humankind. The quest to produce the ultimate energy solution, Fusion, a reliable source of clean power. What if we could create here on earth, our very own version of a star, a machine that makes power from nuclear fuel? But so immense are the challenges, the goal of a power-producing fusion reactor has so far remained elusive and out of reach... until now.
Series: Engineering the Future

International Space Station

   2019    Technology    HD
The International Space Station is the ultimate extreme home. Costing $150 billion, it is the most expensive structure humans have ever built, in the most inhospitable environment known to man, with no air food or water. Assembled at 250 miles above the earth, it's an epic engineering challenge. We're going to take it apart and uncover what's going on inside the ISS.
Its superstructure secrets will help our species reach other planets and beyond. Using photo-real computer graphics, we take it apart to uncover the extraordinary innovations that enable it to support life in the deadly vacuum of space.
Series: Superstructures: Engineering Marvels

Great Cathedral Mystery

   2014    Art
The dome that crowns Florence's great cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Duomo, is a masterpiece of Renaissance ingenuity and an enduring source of mystery. Still the largest masonry dome on earth, it is taller than the Statue of Liberty and weighs as much as an average cruise ship. Historians and engineers have long debated how its architect, Filippo Brunelleschi, kept the dome perfectly aligned and symmetrical as the sides rose and converged toward the center." More than four million bricks could collapse at any moment -- and we still don't understand how Brunelleschi prevented it. To test the latest theories, a team of U.S. bricklayers will help build an experimental "mini-Duomo" using period tools and techniques.

Can We Cool the Planet

   2020    Nature
Are rising temperatures driving Earth's ecosystems past a point of no return? We have promising technologies that put solutions within our grasp. Scientists are exploring solutions: from geoengineering to sucking carbon out of the air to cloud brightening, as means to cool the planet. Cutting-edge solutions and high-risk measures. But would they work? And what are the risks of engineering Earth's climate?

The Science of Doctor Who

   2013    Science
Blowing your mind, that's what Doctor Who's all about. What makes it all so fun is that while all this crazy science fiction is going on, there's actual facts. You've got space travel, you've got time travel, you've got regeneration. These are all the powerful themes of Doctor Who. And they're also the things that drive science forward.
Meet the Romans

Meet the Romans

2012  History


2018  Nature
The Art Mysteries

The Art Mysteries

2020  Art
The Rehearsal

The Rehearsal

2022  Culture


2020  History
The Last Czars

The Last Czars

2019  History


2007  Science