The film offers an unprecedented exploration into the life of Elizabeth Taylor, Hollywood's quintessential star. With extraordinary access to Taylor's personal archives and 40 hours of newly unearthed, intimate audio interviews with journalist Richard Meryman, audiences are invited to rediscover, not just a mega star of Hollywood's Golden Age, but a complex woman who navigated lifelong fame, personal identity, and public scrutiny on a global stage from early childhood. These candid conversations peel back the layers of one of cinema's most enduring icons, revealing a woman at odds with her public image, yearning for respect and agency. The film follows the life of an actress who defied the era's expectations by portraying strong-willed women on-screen, offering a nuanced portrait of the intersection of vulnerability and strength.
The second episode dives deeper into the enigmatic world of octopuses, uncovering the extraordinary intelligence of these cephalopods. From their ability to change color and shape in an instant to their sophisticated use of tools, this documentary reveals how octopuses navigate and survive in the ocean's most challenging environments. The documentary explores the profound cognitive abilities of octopuses, highlighting their potential for future planning, problem-solving, and even dreaming. Witness the coconut octopus's ingenious stilt-walking and shell-wielding tactics, and marvel at the giant Pacific octopus's intricate hunting strategies. Through stunning underwater footage and insights from leading scientists like Dr. Alex Schnell and Dr. C.E. O'Brien, viewers are invited to rethink what they know about intelligence in the animal kingdom. This captivating film showcases the remarkable adaptability and creativity of octopuses, making it a must-watch for anyone fascinated by the mysteries of the ocean.
Acclaimed biologist Dr. Merlin Sheldrake seeks a rare blue mushroom in Tasmania's ancient Tarkine rainforest, revealing fungi's extraordinary abilities. Fungi may provide solutions to humanity's problems, with millions more species yet to be discovered. All life on Earth is connected by a great mystery we are only just beginning to unravel. Hidden between the world of plants and animals, another world exists… Fungi’s web of life. We’ll begin in the mysterious world of the forest floor, where fungi are the central players in nature’s story of birth, death, and rebirth to discover that life as we know it simply would not exist without them. Dr. Sheldrake will show us some the grandest and strangest organisms ever discovered, showcased through jaw-dropping time-lapse cinematography, in a landscape largely unchanged from the time of the dinosaurs. Fungi have important lessons to teach humanity about survival through cooperation. Indeed, these incredible lifeforms may hold the key to solving some of humanity’s most urgent problems. With millions more species to discover, our journey into the secret world of fungi has only just begun.
This series delves into the intimate and often unexplored world of romantic relationships among individuals on the autism spectrum. Through a series of personal stories, viewers are offered a glimpse into the complexities, challenges, and triumphs that define these relationships. From the hesitant first steps of reaching out to a potential partner, the documentary captures the raw emotions and vulnerabilities of its subjects. Through these stories, the documentary paints a poignant picture of love's diverse expressions, emphasizing that the need for companionship and understanding transcends the bounds of neurotypical norms. In the fifth episode, Steve embarks on his first date in a year. Abbey's dream comes true. Connor rethinks a past decision. Dani attends a comic-con with an old flame.
Of all the diseases that plague humankind, malaria has put up one of the longest, toughest fights. More than 200 million people fall ill and 600,000 die of it every year, making it among the world’s deadliest diseases. The vast majority of those fatalities are young children - an average of one child every minute. But medical science may now be at an exciting turning point. Filmed with intimate access to key scientists on four continents, this documentary tells the inside story of the development of a new malaria vaccine that could change the very nature of the fight. It's hoped that the vaccine, dubbed R21/Matrix-M and developed by many of the same team behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, will be the first to meet the World Health Organization’s target of 75 per cent efficacy.
A documentary about this 15th-century polymath, exploring one of history's most curious and innovative minds though his paintings, drawings and writing. The first part takes a look at Leonardo's journey to becoming an artist and craftsman, while the bustling streets of Florence provide a rich backdrop. Viewers are also taken to Milan, where Leonardo embarked on a monumental project - painting the iconic fresco of the Last Supper. The second part looks at how Leonardo worked as a military engineer, designed fanciful flying machines, studied light and shadow, investigated gravity and more. Plus, examining the polymath's time in Florence, Milan, Rome and France, as he poured the sum of his scientific and artistic knowledge into a portrait that would become the most famous painting on earth.
These candid conversations peel back the layers of one of cinema's most enduring icons, revealing a woman at odds with her public image, yearning for respect and agency. The film follows the life of an actress who defied the era's expectations by portraying strong-willed women on-screen, offering a nuanced portrait of the intersection of vulnerability and strength.