The documentary delves deep into the mysterious and catastrophic collapse of ancient civilizations during the late Bronze Age, as empires from Greece to ancient Egypt were wiped off the map. It explores the various theories and hypotheses that have emerged to explain their sudden downfall, revealing the tumultuous events that brought an end to a once-thriving era of human history. Through invasions, mega-droughts, natural disasters, and rebellions, we discover the complex web of factors that were involved. With stunning visual imagery, expert interviews and immersive storytelling, this film offers a fascinating glimpse into one of the most pivotal and enigmatic periods of human history. And it warns that we could be facing a similar combination of threats today.
In the captivating second part of “Our Universe”, chapters 4 to 6 are presented together in an unmissable journey through the cosmos and life on Earth. These episodes delve deep into the elements that formed our world, the essential role of water, and the unseen forces that shape our lives. They offer an enthralling exploration of our place in the Universe. Dive in to experience this profound story of existence, from stardust to soulmates. In the fourth chapter, we uncover how the elements essential to life were forged in the hearts of stars. Following a green sea turtle’s quest across the ocean for these elements, this episode reminds us that life is built from the remnants of ancient stars. The fifth chapter takes us back to the miraculous arrival of water on Earth, exploring how this vital substance transformed a barren landscape into a thriving blue planet. In the final chapter we witness gravity’s grand influence on life, following two king penguins as their journey of attraction and survival unfolds against the cosmic force that binds us all.
A documentary about this 15th-century polymath, exploring one of history's most curious and innovative minds though his paintings, drawings and writing. The first part takes a look at Leonardo's journey to becoming an artist and craftsman, while the bustling streets of Florence provide a rich backdrop. Viewers are also taken to Milan, where Leonardo embarked on a monumental project - painting the iconic fresco of the Last Supper. The second part looks at how Leonardo worked as a military engineer, designed fanciful flying machines, studied light and shadow, investigated gravity and more. Plus, examining the polymath's time in Florence, Milan, Rome and France, as he poured the sum of his scientific and artistic knowledge into a portrait that would become the most famous painting on earth.
The film unlocks the secrets to an innovative concept called circularity, an economic system based on the idea that nothing should go to waste. It's a deceptively simple idea that is at the heart of nature and the natural world, but very few of us actually live this way. And yet, it has the potential to save our planet's resources and save us from the ravages of future climate change. The film tells the story of four visionaries from around the world, whose thinking shapes and informs the concept of circularity: 102-year-old inventor Dr. James Lovelock, biomimicry biologist Janine Benyus, engineer and designer Arthur Huang, and financier John Fullerton. The extraordinary experiences of these very different people changed the way they think about humanity's future. Through the deeply personal transformation of each visionary profiled, the film explores concrete solutions individuals and communities are using to move toward a more circular society, rethinking everything from our food, our cities, our financial system, even our fashion industry.
The rainforest is home to more species of plants and animals than any other habitat on the planet. But for humans, life there is not as easy as it looks. Life in the trees requires great skill, ingenuity and sheer bravery. The Matis of Brazil carve 4-metre-long blow-pipes to hunt monkeys - in near total silence. Deep in the Congo forests, Tete defies death by scaling a giant tree using nothing more than a liana vine, and he must then negotiate an angry swarm of bees - all to collect honey for his family. Three children from Venezuela's Piaroa tribe venture deep into the jungle to hunt tarantulas - to toast for lunch! In West Papua the Korowai tribe show-off their engineering skills by building a high-rise home 35 metres up in the tree tops. Most memorable of all, in Brazil we join a unique monitoring flight in search an un-contacted tribe...
Through invasions, mega-droughts, natural disasters, and rebellions, we discover the complex web of factors that were involved. With stunning visual imagery, expert interviews and immersive storytelling, this film offers a fascinating glimpse into one of the most pivotal and enigmatic periods of human history. And it warns that we could be facing a similar combination of threats today.