This compelling documentary delves into the life of Bryan Johnson, a wealthy entrepreneur determined to defy aging and achieve immortality. The film provides intimate access to Johnson's extreme wellness practices, including his $2 million annual investment in Project Blueprint, which encompasses over 100 daily supplements, strict dietary regimens, and experimental treatments like multi-generational plasma exchanges and gene therapy. The film not only showcases Johnson's relentless pursuit of youth but also examines the profound impact of his quest on his personal relationships and the ethical dilemmas surrounding radical life-extension efforts. Through expert interviews and candid footage, viewers are invited to contemplate the lengths one might go to challenge the natural aging process and the societal implications of such endeavors. Discover how magnate Bryan Johnson risks his body and fortune to defy aging and extend his life to unknown limits.
Step into the future with a groundbreaking documentary that unveils humanity's most critical turning point. This compelling film transports viewers to a world reshaped by technological revolutions, environmental struggles, and the relentless quest for survival. Combining stunning visuals with profound expert analysis, "2073" challenges us to reflect on the choices we make today and their lasting impact on the world of tomorrow. From the rise of AI-dominated cities to the battle for Earth's final resources, "2073" is an unmissable journey that will leave you questioning our future—and your role in it. A must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the challenges shaping the next chapter of human history.
The story of how a group of working-class kids growing up in post-industrial Glasgow dared to dream. Those kids became Simple Minds, the most iconic and influential Scottish band in history. The film is a captivating journey into the heart and soul of one of the most influential bands in rock history. From their humble beginnings in Glasgow to their meteoric rise on the world stage, this documentary unveils the untold stories behind Simple Minds' groundbreaking music and enduring legacy. Through rare archival footage, intimate interviews, and electrifying performances, discover how this iconic group defined an era, inspired generations, and proved that with passion and resilience, everything truly is possible. For fans and newcomers alike, this is more than a documentary—it's a celebration of the unyielding power of music to transform lives.
The rainforest is home to more species of plants and animals than any other habitat on the planet. But for humans, life there is not as easy as it looks. Life in the trees requires great skill, ingenuity and sheer bravery. The Matis of Brazil carve 4-metre-long blow-pipes to hunt monkeys - in near total silence. Deep in the Congo forests, Tete defies death by scaling a giant tree using nothing more than a liana vine, and he must then negotiate an angry swarm of bees - all to collect honey for his family. Three children from Venezuela's Piaroa tribe venture deep into the jungle to hunt tarantulas - to toast for lunch! In West Papua the Korowai tribe show-off their engineering skills by building a high-rise home 35 metres up in the tree tops. Most memorable of all, in Brazil we join a unique monitoring flight in search an un-contacted tribe...
The film not only showcases Johnson's relentless pursuit of youth but also examines the profound impact of his quest on his personal relationships and the ethical dilemmas surrounding radical life-extension efforts. Through expert interviews and candid footage, viewers are invited to contemplate the lengths one might go to challenge the natural aging process and the societal implications of such endeavors. Discover how magnate Bryan Johnson risks his body and fortune to defy aging and extend his life to unknown limits.