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Secrets of Spanish Florida

   2017    History
A Chapter of forgotten history. The first permanent European settlement in the United States was founded in 1565–two generations before the settlements in Jamestown and Plymouth–not by English Protestants, but by the Spanish and a melting pot of people they brought with them from Africa, Italy, Germany, Ireland and even converted Jews, who integrated almost immediately with the indigenous tribes.
The film uncovers one story of America’s past that never made it into textbooks. Follow some of America’s leading archaeologists, maritime scientists, and historians as they share the story of Florida’s earliest settlers. It’s a story that has taken more than 450 years to reveal.
Series: Secrets of the Dead

The Deep Med

   2020    Naturaleza
Laurent Ballesta has yet again challenged himself to a new world record: spend 28 days at a depth of 100 meters to reveal the luxuriant and unknown depths of the Mediterranean.
Because people have been travelling there for thousands of years, this sea is be­lieved to be without secrets. And yet, far below its surface, lie vast unexplored territories, luxurious gardens worthy of the finest tro­pical coral reefs. These natural wonders are inaccessible to the traditional diver, in a twilight zone, between 60 and 120 m, where there’s less than 1% of sunlight. If diving at such depths is always a challenge, staying there is a fan­tasy, a utopia that becomes reality in 'The Deep Med'.

The Putin Interviews 3of4

   2017    Culture
Putin thinks that the West must understand that today's Russia cannot function exactly as the West does, already. Putin also explains his views on NATO, and cannot see any reason to why this military alliance has grown after the fall of Communism in Europe.
When Stone asks about Putin's views on Edward Snowden and whether he is a traitor or not, Putin replies, 'No he is not, as he never has worked for any foreign country,' and also claims that Russian intelligence does not know anything more than what Snowden already had leaked before he arrived at Moscow.
Series: The Putin Interviews

Propaganda: The Art of Selling Lies

   2019    Culture
As media outlets become increasingly polarised, and as social media rules information feeds, where does propaganda come into play? This documentary demystifies the predominant methods of persuasion employed by those seeking power, analysing the present day and contextualising it by looking back at periods when propaganda defined nations and kept populations in check.

Seven Wonders of the New World

   2020    Science    HD
The final episode of the series ponders the fate of planet Earth. Neil deGrasse Tyson opens with a reflection on science and those who help us understand it: 'We all feel the weight of the shadows on our future, but in another time, every bit as ominous as our own, there were those who could see a way through the darkness to find a star to steer by.'
The young Carl Sagan and Neil Tyson first discovered their passion for science at the NY World's Fairs of the past. We visit the dazzling Pavilions of the 2039 NY World's Fair, where problems we currently think intractable have been plausibly solved through public commitment and scientific imagination. And our baby is a woman now, with a baby of her own and a future bright with possibilities.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

   2014    Technology
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer monetary system in which all transaction records are public. Participants can use its open-source software to transfer virtual currency to one another as easily as they might send an email. Bitcoin opens an uncharted world of new possibilities to explore. We'll follow the stories of entrepreneurs and startups that are helping shape the new financial frontier. We'll look at the competitive mining market and the various subcultures within the Bitcoin community." You'll encounter a variety of characters and opinions as we examine the social and political impact of an open-source digital currency. Will the rise of Bitcoin bring a monetary paradigm shift that will forever change the world? Supposedly invented by a mysterious Japanese man named Satoshi Nakamoto (whose current whereabouts are unknown). Because it is designed to have an absolute ceiling of 21 million Bitcoins in circulation (not anticipated until 2040), and the system has no central depository or administrative authority, it has great appeal to libertarians and others who seek alternatives to a perceived corrupt, manipulative banking infrastructure and excessive government regulations. Its low processing fees compared with those of mainstream credit-card companies also hold considerable allure for merchants.
The Gene Code

The Gene Code

2011  Science
Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III

2023  Nature
Wonders of Life

Wonders of Life

2013  Science


2023  History
Get Gotti

Get Gotti

2023  History


2009  Nature