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"black hole"  Sort by

The Milky Way

   2007    Science
We used to think that Earth was at the centre of the universe, but now we know we're not even at the centre of our own galaxy. Countless wonders exist between where earth is situated and the massive black hole at the galactic centre of our galaxy. Within the Milky Way can be found the debris of old, dying stars fuelling the birth of new stars and at the galactic centre hypervelocity stars get catapulted clear beyond the Milky Way's outer rim at unimaginable speeds. Come along for a guided tour of 100,000 light-year-wide family of stars and stellar phenomena we call The Milky Way.
Series: The Universe

Who Is Afraid of a Big Black Hole

   2009    Science
Black Holes are one of the most destructive forces in the universe, capable of tearing a planet apart and swallowing an entire star. Yet scientists now believe they could hold the key to answering the ultimate question - what was there before the Big Bang? The trouble is that researching them is next to impossible. Black holes are by definition invisible and there's no scientific theory able to explain them. Meet the astronomers attempting to image a black hole for the very first time and the theoretical physicists getting ever closer to unlocking their mysteries. It's a story that takes us into the heart of a black hole and to the very edge of what we think we know about the universe.

Deep Space Disasters

   2008    Technology
In space travel there is a saying that the first 50 miles and the last 50 miles are the most dangerous. Explore the controlled explosion of launch, the fiery crucible of re-entry and everything in between. See how a single spark inside a spacecraft or a micrometeoroid less than an inch wide hitting a space station can turn a routine mission into a lethal nightmare. As the missions become longer, venturing to Mars and beyond, the potential disasters will only become bigger. What would happen if a spacecraft ventured too close to a black hole or was hit by a gamma ray burst?
Series: The Universe

Curse of the White Holes

   2021    Science
The white hole is a region of spacetime and that cannot be entered from the outside, although energy-matter, light and information can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole. Einstein predicted strange cosmic phenomena known as white holes, but scientists have yet to prove they exist.
Today, astronomers race to find the clues that can unlock the secrets of white holes. They investigate the tiny black holes that hide in the most ancient parts of the universe to finally find the smoking gun.
Series: Space Deepest Secrets Series 8

Monsters of the Milky Way

   2019    Science
The center of our galaxy is one of the most nightmarish places in the cosmos. It's the home to some of the most incredible forces the universe has to offer. Gas streaming everywhere, stars are being born and dying and exploding, radiation blasting out. And at the very heart is the super massive black hole, 4 million times the mass of the sun. But also the Milky Way, is our safe harbour, our island in this vast, cosmic ocean. And so to understand the heart of our galaxy, is to understand our home in this cosmic void.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8

Death of the Last Stars

   2019    Science
Stars helped create us, building and spreading the ingredients for life to develop. But there will definitely be a point in the future when, in the future when, you look up, you will no longer be able to see stars.
For billions of years, stars brought life to the universe. Now, they're dying out in a star apocalypse. What's causing the die-off, and what happens to life when the lights go out?
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8
Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero

2007  Technology
The Crime of the Century

The Crime of the Century

2021  Medicine
The Germanic Tribes

The Germanic Tribes

2007  History
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
First Life

First Life

2010  Science