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The Deep

   2017    Naturaleza    HD
The deep is perhaps the most hostile environment on earth, at least to us - a world of crushing pressure, brutal cold and utter darkness. We have barely begun to explore it, and yet it is the largest living space on the planet. Scientists already think that there is more life in the deep than anywhere else on earth. This episode takes us on an epic journey into the unknown, a realm that feels almost like science fiction. We discover alien worlds, bizarre creatures and extraordinary new behaviours never seen before. We encounter savage hordes of Humboldt squid hunting lanternfish in the depths and coral gardens flourishing in absolute darkness, with more species of coral to be found in the deep than on shallow tropical reefs. Narrated by David Attenborough.
Series: Blue Planet II

The Sacrifice of Cassini

   2020    Technology
The 8th episode reviews Giovanni Cassini's life. His observations of Saturn and its moons would have an enduring effect on the scientific world. Neil deGrasse Tyson also narrates the mysterious untold story of the scientist who figured out how to go the Moon while fighting for his life in a WWI trench. Aleksandr Shargei changed his name to Yuri Kondratyuk out of fear for his life and wrote a manuscript on rocket motion and space colonization. This letter would end up capturing the attention of an engineer working on the Apollo program, John Houbolt, and would made the Apollo Mission possible.
We will also know the saga of the twenty-year long odyssey of Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, a robotic explorer ordered to commit suicide on another world.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

How the Solar System was Made

   2011    Science    3D
At 4.6 billion years old, the Solar System is our solid, secure home in the Universe. But how did it come to be? In this episode we trace the system's birth from a thin cloud of dust and gas. Shocked by a nearby supernova, the pull of gravity and natural rotation spun it into a flat disc from which the Sun and planets coalesced. It all happened in the space of 700 million years, during which the planets jockeyed for position, dodging the Late Heavy Bombardment of deadly asteroids and setting into the neat, stable system that we now realize might be a rarity in the universe.
Series: The Universe

Journey to a Black Hole

   2021    Science
We as humans often question the creation of the universe. How was the universe created? How does it work? This series uses global experts from organizations like NASA and CERN to help us understand how this works, and uses CGI to demonstrate the phenomena.
Episode 1 starts the new season as we dive deep into the black holes. The galaxy M87 is known for having at the core a super massive black hole. This black hole is the first ever photographed and we will witness the experts trying to find out the secrets of this famous black hole. In the meantime, they have overcome the scorching winds and death ray jets. And of all its hurdles, the event horizon will be the most difficult. This place is known for its uniqueness of time and space, where time stays still while the laws of physics fail.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

The 21st Century Race for Space

   2017    Technology
A new age of space exploration is dawning. But surprisingly, some of the boldest efforts at putting humans into space are now those of private companies started by a handful of maverick billionaire businessmen. In this film, Brian Cox gains exclusive access behind the scenes at Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and Spaceport America, exploring what is really happening in privately financed space flight right now.
Generation Iron

Generation Iron

2018  History
Heavens Gate

Heavens Gate

2020  Culture
Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Cosmos: Possible Worlds

2020  Science
Meet the Romans

Meet the Romans

2012  History


2018  Nature