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   2019    Art
Pavarotti is a riveting film that lifts the curtain on the icon who brought opera to the people. Ron Howard puts audiences front row center for an exploration of the voice, the man, the legend. Luciano Pavarotti gave his life to the music and a voice to the world. This cinematic event features history-making performances and intimate interviews, including never-before-seen footage and cutting-edge Dolby Atmos technology.
Born in 1935 in Modena in a worker-class family, Luciano Pavarotti felt since his childhood the passion by opera due to his father, an amateur tenor. Blessed with a powerful voice and student of the most important Italy's opera teachers of those times, soon the name of Pavarotti turned in a reference of the genre, giving some of the most remembered live performances in the most important theaters across the world, meeting with politicians and world leaders as well as rock and pop singers to bring concerts for humanitarian causes, over-passing any limit when he was part of The Three Tenors with the too opera singers José Carreras and Plácido Domingo.

Metallica: Some Kind of Monster

   2004    Art
A music documentary about Metallica's making of their album 'St. Anger' and the difficulties they had to go through in the process. Joe Berlinger shot over 1200 hours and followed one of the most successful heavy-metal band in history around night and day for over a year to create this documentary. It tells the trials and tribulations of the group as they cut their first album in six years. The members of the band submitted to two years of intensive group therapy to work through conflicts in their 20-year working relationship.

Cezanne Card Players

   2020    Art
One of Cezanne’s best-known pictures, but it is also one of his most mysterious. Why did the so-called father of modern art paint two old men hunched over a game of cards? What is the picture trying to tell us?
By exploring Cezanne’s puzzling religious beliefs and his passion for Mary Magdalene, the patron saint of Provence, Waldemar Januszczak uncovers the surprising secrets of a haunting masterpiece.
Series: The Art Mysteries

Gauguin Vision After The Sermon

   2020    Art
The Vision After the Sermon, also known as Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, is a painting full of symbolism and mystery. But what does Gauguin’s famous work have to do with a 17-year-old girl called Madeleine, with Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, and with sumo wrestlers?
Waldemar Januszczak reveals all as he investigates Gauguin’s epic religious painting about good and evil, temptation and desire.
Series: The Art Mysteries

Seurat Les Poseuses

   2020    Art
Hanging in the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, Seurat’s Les Poseuses is probably his least-known painting. It is also a picture brimming with codes and hidden meanings. It shows three nudes in the artist’s studio, but included in the background is Seurat’s famous masterpiece, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. Why is it there? What is it trying to say? Why two pictures at once? Waldemar Januszczak investigates.
Series: The Art Mysteries

Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear

   2020    Art
Waldemar Januszczak sets out to uncover the secret meanings hidden in four famous paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne and Seurat. Everyone knows the pictures. They are among the most celebrated masterpieces of art. And yet, hidden inside them are codes and puzzles that no one has been able to decipher.
Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear was painted soon after he cut off his ear with a razor. But how much do we really know about it? In a far-ranging investigation, Waldemar Januszczak delves into the clues hidden in the painting. The result is a tale of geishas, brothels, bullfights, love affairs, suffering and a fiery relationship with Gauguin. The work has a powerful secret message, if you know what to look for.
Series: The Art Mysteries


2009  Nature
Capitalism A Love Story

Capitalism A Love Story

2009  Culture


2007  Culture
Wild Russia

Wild Russia

2009  Nature
The Crime of the Century

The Crime of the Century

2021  Medicine
Seven Worlds One Planet

Seven Worlds One Planet

2019  Nature


2022  Nature