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Behavior and Belief

   2019    Culture
Completely proving something can be difficult, if not impossible. So instead, we have the faith of the believer, the confidence interval of the scientist. What we think we know, we really only believe we know.
On this episode of Mind Field, we are going to take a look at a kind of lie we tell ourselves. And we are going to use belief to turn a lie... into a truth.
Series: Mind Field

The King of Kong

Obsession and the pursuit of excellence push diehard gamers to break World Records on classic arcade games like Q*bert, Joust, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong. The film follows a middle school science teacher as he battles a hot sauce mogul for the Guinness World Record on the arcade classic Donkey Kong.

Should I Die

   2019    Culture
Someday, I will die. But should I? If I was offered a longer life, I would take that in a second. But how long is too long? Is death something I should deny forever, or is death and the role it plays in the universe something I am better off accepting?
Series: Mind Field

The Stanford Prison Experiment

   2019    Culture
It all begins as a study on the psychology of prison life led by Stanford psychology professor Dr. Philip Zimbardo. 24 volunteers - 12 guards and 12 prisoners - have agreed to spend the next two weeks recreating life in a correctional facility. Normal people can become monsters, given the right situation, that's the standard narrative of the Stanford Prison Experiment, one of the most famous psychological experiments of all time.
But what if the cause of its participants' cruel behavior wasn't what we've always been told?
Series: Mind Field

The Confidence Man

   2018    Culture
Weaving together a tapestry of tales in real estate booms and busts, Stevens lays out how Donald Trump's business career transformed from epic failures into a consummate branding machine that propelled him into office.
Series: Dirty Money

The Maple Syrup Heist

   2018    Culture
In Canada, maple syrup is worth more than oil. When $20 million of syrup goes missing, the trail leads back to an epic battle between cartels and the little guy.
Series: Dirty Money
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2015  Culture
The Germanic Tribes

The Germanic Tribes

2007  History


2018  Nature
The Making of the Mob

The Making of the Mob

2016  History
Future of Work

Future of Work

2021  Technology