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Arctic Ice Hotel

   2019    Technology
Deep inside the arctic circle, this team of elite engineers Is embarking on an epic endeavor. They're attempting to build a unique structure, one of the largest snow and ice hotels in the world. Constructed from more than 15,000 tons of snow and ice, spanning over 26,000 square feet, they are pushing to complete this ambitious build in an unheard-of six weeks.
Engineers brave the cold and nights of the Arctic Circle to build the Ice Hotel. Using cutting-edge tech, they'll construct this modern marvel in just six weeks.
Series: Building Giants

NYC Mega Skyscraper

   2019    Technology
New York's Central Park Tower is the second tallest building in the US, and as engineers and builders race to complete this 1,550-foot-tall mega build, they use cutting-edge science and engineering to battle high altitudes and brutal weather.
From the world's longest tunnels to the world's most advanced skyscraper, the series Building Giants reveals the extraordinary innovations that help record-breaking superstructures to be built, and uncovers the inner secrets of how they work.
Series: Building Giants

Dream Big

   2017    Technology
The film is a first of its kind that will transform how we think about engineering. From the Great Wall of China and the world's tallest buildings to underwater robots, solar cars and smart, sustainable cities, DREAM BIG celebrates the human ingenuity behind engineering marvels big and small, and shows how engineers push the limits of innovation in unexpected and amazing ways.
With its inspiring stories of human grit and aspiration, and extraordinary visuals , the film reveals the compassion and creativity that drive engineers to create better lives for people and a more sustainable future for us all. Narrated by Jeff Bridges.

Building the Sun The 250 Million Degree Problem

   2017    Technology
Scientists investigate the way the Sun builds its power -- through fusion -- hoping to find a way to use fusion as a less dangerous and less radioactive waste-producing path to energy than fission. But there are some major difficulties along the way. Fusion really is the perfect way to make energy. We have millions of years worth of fuel. It produces no long-lived radioactive waste. If we can solve the engineering challenges, energy will become cheaper, more available for everybody.
Series: Catalyst

Absolute Zero Conquest of Cold

   2007    Technology
This scientific detective tale tells the story of a remarkable group of pioneers who wanted to reach the ultimate extreme: absolute zero, a place so cold that the physical world as we know it doesn't exist, electricity flows without resistance, fluids defy gravity and the speed of light can be reduced to 38 miles per hour. Absolute zero became the Holy Grail of temperature physicists and is considered the gateway to many new technologies, such as nano-construction, neurological networks and quantum computing. The possibilities, it seems, are limitless. The first episode Chronicles the major discoveries leading towards the mastery of cold, beginning with King James I's court magician, Cornelius Drebbel, who managed to air condition the largest interior space in the British Isles in 1620. Other stories will include the first "natural philosopher," Robert Boyle, a founder of the Royal Society in Great Britain; the Grand Duke Ferdinand II de Medici's involvement in the creation of the first thermometer; the establishment of the laws of thermodynamics by three young scientists, Sadi Carnot, James Joule and William Thomson; and Michael Faraday's critical achievement in liquefying several other gases which set the stage for the commercial application of cold to refrigeration and air conditioning.
Series: Absolute Zero

Race for Absolute Zero

   2007    Technology
Focuses on the fierce rivalry that took place in the laboratories in Britain, Holland, France and Poland as they sought the ultimate extreme of cold. The program will follow the extraordinary discoveries of superconductivity and superfluidity and the attempt to produce a new form of matter that Albert Einstein predicted would exist within a few billionths of degrees above absolute zero.
Series: Absolute Zero