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Planet Earth III: Freshwater

   2023    Nature
Covering one tenth of all species on the planet, Freshwater is a rich, diverse habitat filled with never-ending surprises. The fourth episode is set beneath the Yucatan Peninsula and spanning diverse locations like the rainforests of Costa Rica and the Kalahari Desert and presents a vivid exploration of how freshwater shapes life on Earth. The narrative journeys through the unique breeding rituals of gliding tree frogs in Costa Rica, the strategic hunting methods of mugger crocodiles in Sri Lanka, and the astonishing adaptations of wildlife in the Okavango Delta. It highlights the critical role of freshwater in supporting diverse ecosystems, from the teeming fish species in Lake Malawi to the perilous journey of gobies in Bioko.
The episode also addresses human impact, showcasing the extensive irrigation system in Pakistan and its unintended consequences on local wildlife, like the endangered Indus river dolphin. This captivating chapter not only showcases nature's marvels but also underscores the delicate balance between human needs and wildlife conservation.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Deserts and Grasslands

   2023    Nature
The third episode takes viewers on a riveting journey to some of the world's most extreme and breathtaking deserts and grasslands, where nature puts on its most dramatic show. It begins in the arid landscapes of Central Africa's Guelta d'Archei and the Namib Desert in Southwest Africa, places where water is scarce, and survival is a daily battle. The focus then shifts to the remarkable adaptability of creatures like ostriches, who brave the scorching heat and predators to raise their young and a handful of leopards who learned to hunt from trees on the African plains.
In Australia, viewers witness the intricate courtship rituals of the spotted bowerbird, a species facing challenges due to climate change. The narrative then takes us to the vast Eurasian Steppe, home to the unique Saiga antelope, and to Brazil's Cerrado, a biodiverse grassland where the elusive maned wolf plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem.
The episode highlights not only the resilience and beauty of these creatures but also the fragility of their habitats, emphasizing the urgent need for conservation efforts.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Ocean

   2023    Nature
This second episode is a captivating exploration of the ocean's wonders and mysteries. It reveals how a significant part of our planet remains unexplored, primarily due to its vast water coverage. The film emphasizes the extraordinary discoveries awaiting every journey below the water's surface, with over a thousand new species identified annually. Home to 80% of all animal life on Earth, the ocean's diverse habitats host a range of surprising behaviors and life-and-death struggles, often hidden beneath a serene exterior.
The shallow tropical seas, appearing as paradises, are actually arenas of intense survival battles. Predatory lionfish, with their patient hunting tactics, and clown frogfish, using a unique fishing rod-like dorsal fin as a lure, demonstrate the ocean's complex food web. The documentary also explores the kelp forests off the North American coast, revealing their role as nurseries for young horn sharks. Amidst these underwater forests lurk giant sea bass, wolf-eels, and various sharks like houndsharks and broadnose sevengills, posing significant threats to the smaller inhabitants. The episode takes viewers to the twilight and midnight zones of the ocean, unveiling alien-like creatures such as the siphonophore, glass squid, and gulper eel, adapted to the extreme conditions of deep waters. The journey concludes with the moving story of the pearl octopus, whose devotion to her eggs in the challenging deep-sea environment is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.
This episode is not only a showcase of the ocean's diverse inhabitants but also a reminder of the urgent need to understand and protect this vast, mysterious, and vital part of our planet.
Series: Planet Earth III

Planet Earth III: Coasts

   2023    Nature
Discover amazing landscapes, the most amazing fights of animals on our planet, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, from the darkest caves to the hottest deserts with new technology. In the first episode, Sir David Attenborough explores the dangerous frontiers created by the world's coasts, where animals fight for survival amidst constant change. Cape fur seals, sea angels, lions, archer fish, flamingos and green turtles feature.
Series: Planet Earth III

VII Africa

   2019    Nature
The last episode of the series showcases Africa, home to the greatest wildlife gatherings on earth and vast ecosystems. It delves into the lives of intelligent chimpanzees using tools in Ivory Coast, and the diverse cichlid fish in the Great Rift Valley's lakes. The film also explores the survival strategies of animals in the Namib Desert, including the brown hyena and the aardvark.
But even in this land of plenty, wildlife faces huge challenges. Crucially, it is addressed the impact of climate change and human activities, highlighting the plight of endangered species like the northern white rhinoceros and the decreasing populations of elephants and cheetahs due to poaching. However, it also offers hope, illustrating successful conservation efforts like the recovery of the mountain gorilla population in Virunga National Park.
The documentary is a vivid reminder of the richness of African wildlife and the urgent need for conservation efforts to preserve our planet's biodiversity.
Series: Seven Worlds One Planet

VI North America

   2019    Nature
Explore the extremes of North America in this fascinating documentary, where the continent's wildlife faces daunting challenges and embraces opportunities presented by its ever-changing seasons. From the resilient lynx navigating the harsh Yukon winter to the enchanting spectacle of fireflies lighting up Mississippi nights, witness the ingenious survival strategies of animals in the face of extreme weather. Encounter the drama of tornadoes sweeping the Great Plains and the strategic pursuits of predators like the American badger.
With stunning visuals and compelling narratives, this documentary unveils the relentless spirit of North America's diverse inhabitants in the midst of nature's trials and triumphs.
Series: Seven Worlds One Planet
The Mind Explained

The Mind Explained

2019  Medicine


2009  Nature
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
Becoming Martian

Becoming Martian

2021  Technology
Clarkson Farm

Clarkson Farm

2021  Nature