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The Accident

   2022    Technology
This documentary series explores the Three Mile Island Accident that occurred in Pennsylvania on March 28, 1979, suffering a partial meltdown of the reactor core on the same day. It also reveals how this accident unfolded in real time, its impact on the community and the personal account of the chief engineer and whistleblower, Richard Parks, who had the courage to speak out and avert a catastrophe for the East Coast.
This first episode explains how in 1979, a breakdown at the power plant causes confusion and the release of radiation. Fear spreads, as do suspicions that the authorities are hiding the truth.
Series: Meltdown: Three Mile Island

First Martians

   2021    Technology
Science may soon make the dream of traveling to Mars a reality, but how will we live once we get there? How will we manage our basic human needs of food, water, and shelter on a planet known for its barren surface conditions, high radiation levels, and toxic dirt?
Series: Becoming Martian

Bermuda Triangle of Space

   2021    Technology
There is a region of space that is dangerous for reasons we don't yet understand completely. We see an increased flux of energetic particles in this area and higher-than-usual levels of radiation. It's called the South Atlantic Anomaly. Some scientists now think the long-term effects of this danger zone may be far wider reaching than anyone ever expected, and it may even have implications for the future of humanity in space and on Earth.
Series: Space Deepest Secrets Series 8

Monsters of the Milky Way

   2019    Science
The center of our galaxy is one of the most nightmarish places in the cosmos. It's the home to some of the most incredible forces the universe has to offer. Gas streaming everywhere, stars are being born and dying and exploding, radiation blasting out. And at the very heart is the super massive black hole, 4 million times the mass of the sun. But also the Milky Way, is our safe harbour, our island in this vast, cosmic ocean. And so to understand the heart of our galaxy, is to understand our home in this cosmic void.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8

NASA Journey to Mars

   2019    Technology
NASA is on a mission to send humans to Mars within just 15 years, but to reach this next frontier of space exploration, experts must discover new technology and cutting-edge science that protects astronauts from the Red Planet's deadliest killers.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8

Hunting for Martian Life. The Perseverance Rover

   2020    Technology    HD
Meet Perseverance, NASA's latest rover, as it heads to Mars to answer one question: did life exist on the red planet? On the way, it will lay the foundation for human exploration of our closest neighbour.
Today, Mars is hostile to life. It's too cold for water to stay liquid on the surface, and the thin atmosphere lets through high levels of radiation, potentially sterilizing the upper part of the soil. But it wasn't always like this. Some 3.5 billion years ago or more, water was flowing on the surface. It carved channels still visible today and pooled in impact craters. A thicker carbon dioxide atmosphere would have blocked more of the harmful radiation. The Mars 2020/Perseverance rover is designed to better understand the geology of Mars and seek signs of ancient life. The mission will collect and store a set of rock and soil samples that could be returned to Earth in the future. It will also test new technology to benefit future robotic and human exploration of Mars, as the Ingenuity Helicopter.
Dirty Money

Dirty Money

2018  Culture
Engineering the Future

Engineering the Future

2022  Technology
Making a Murderer

Making a Murderer

2015  History
The Planets

The Planets

2000  Science


2009  Nature