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Out of the Ashes

   2023    Science
The sixth episode of the series narrates the fascinating story of the evolution and survival of life on our planet after the catastrophic event that marked the end of the era of dinosaurs, 66 million years ago. Through a visually stunning journey, we will see the impact of the meteorite and all its consequences in detail. We will also discover how the animals and plants that survived the mass extinction adapted, evolved, and diversified to fill the ecological niches left by the dinosaurs. From the first mammals and birds that emerged from the ashes to dominate the Earth, to the formation of complex ecosystems in the oceans and on land, the documentary offers a unique vision of the resilience and innovation of life on our planet.
With impressive imagery and exciting stories, it reveals how life, against all odds, thrived after one of the most devastating events in Earth's history. This documentary is a testament to the unbreakable strength of life and its ability to adapt and flourish even in the most adverse conditions.
Series: Life on Our Planet

In Cold Blood

   2023    Science
The fourth episode of the series takes you on an epic journey through time, beginning 252 million years ago, in a world devastated by the greatest mass extinction in history. Discover how, from the ashes of this cataclysm, fungi become the dominant form of life in an almost apocalyptic landscape. Witness the astonishing story of survival and adaptation of the Lystrosaurus, curious ancestors of mammals, who emerge as the unlikely heirs of the Earth and transform into the dominant creatures, only to be eventually dethroned by new giant predators like the Erythrosuchus. The documentary culminates with the impressive era of dinosaurs and how they adapted to a constantly changing world, and the reigns of the plesiosaurs and pterosaurs, rulers of the oceans and the air. Finally, learn how these titans gave way to modern reptiles and current birds, leaving a legacy that endures to this day.
This documentary is a window into the fascinating evolutionary history of our planet, showing the resilience and diversity of life through the ages. Prepare to be amazed, informed, and deeply moved by this spectacular chronicle of life on our planet.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Invaders of the Land

   2023    Science
The third episode of the series is a visually stunning journey, from the earliest lichens and microplants to the imposing dinosaurs and the diversity of life forms we know today. Key moments in Earth's history are highlighted, such as the appearance of arthropods, the development of terrestrial flora and fauna, and the mass extinctions that have reshaped ecosystems.
The documentary not only shows the resilience and adaptability of life on our planet but also highlights the fragility of our ecosystem and the crucial importance of preserving biodiversity for the future of Earth. This documentary is a celebration of life in all its forms and a powerful reminder of our role in protecting this incredibly diverse and dynamic world.
Series: Life on Our Planet

Solar System Special

   2023    Science
New discoveries have rewritten the history of our solar system, revealing a complex and violent story that begins with the birth of our Sun from the debris of a massive galactic collision, to its eventual fate as a lone zombie star.
It is a dramatic history of elegant beauty and extreme violence. The inner solar system was like a congested highway. Planets crossing lanes, frequent collisions. There were a lot of planets that could have made it but didn't, and we just happen to be one of the lucky ones that did. The players in our solar system's story are more tangled up than we ever imagined. Without all of these things interplaying, the Earth wouldn't have the stable environment that we have today, and life wouldn't be able to exist.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

Countdown to Catastrophe

   2023    Science
November 4, 2029. We face a countdown to catastrophe. A giant asteroid hurtles towards Earth at 40,000 mph. It's heading straight for the eastern seaboard of the United States. The space rock could wipe out an entire city and cause widespread devastation. Can Earth survive? Now, experts confront the story of this fictional asteroid event to determine what could happen, and how it might be stopped.
Series: How the Universe Works Season 11

Super/Natural: The Mating Game

   2022    Nature
In the quest to pass on their genes, animals use incredible skills to win a mate. And spectacular displays to beat their competition. When the fight for mates gets fierce, it could take super strength and secret powers just to keep rivals at bay. After all, when it comes to sharing your future, only the most super-powered partner will do.
Series: Super/Natural