Pink Floyd: P. U. L. S. E. Live at Earls Court (II)
2006 Art HD
P.U.L.S.E is a Pink Floyd concert video taken from the 20 October 1994 concert at Earls Court, London. PULSE records the great psychedelic band Pink Floyd rocking out like only they can. Renowned for their hallucinatory special effects and lighting schemes, Pink Floyd goes all out at this spectacular (and very long) concert. Twenty-one of the classics are performed, including classic rock radio staples 'Dark Side of The Moon' and 'Wish You were Here". There was considerable delay in the release of the video edition of Pulse. The cause of the delays was reputed to be the continued modifications and additions to produce a high-quality release. The previous planned release date of 22 September 2005 for the two-disc DVD set was changed to 10 July 2006 for the UK and Europe, and 11 July 2006 everywhere else.
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Series: P.U.L.S.E