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   2017    Culture
Served crispy and sizzling in grease. When it comes to preparations, few could be as delightful and decadent as a good, old-fashioned deep fry. We dip the Mind of a Chef basket in hot oil on this episode, serving up everything from oyster poboys to pig’s head, from alligator filets to sardine spines.
Series: The Mind of a Chef


   2017    Culture
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Everyone knows that it takes a great chef to make a great chef, and this episode of The Mind of a Chef is all about paying homage to the greatest culinary minds in the world.
Fergus Henderson, Eric Ripert, Pascal Barbot and more spend some quality time cooking with our Mind of a Chef alumni. ...   Show More
Series: The Mind of a Chef


   2017    Culture
The series 'The Mind of a Chef' combines travel, cooking, history, science and humor about everyone's favorite topic -- food. Each season brings with it a new host as well as fresh and exciting recipes. The 5th season is narrated by chef Ludo Lefebvre.
It’s everyone’s favourite food. From the New York City's classic egg on a roll to Faro ...e Island fulmar egg and curry, this episode of The Mind of a Chef finds us going through and re-falling in love with the best egg dishes from our archives. Crack it open, and let the fun begin.   Show More
Series: The Mind of a Chef

What is with Wheat

   2016    Medicine
Our wheat has changed dramatically, it doesn't even resemble what it used to look like. Not only are we seeing more wheat and gluten sensitivity, there is also a strong connection between gluten and autoimmune diseases. Tens of thousands of people are suffering with ill health and don't realise it's a result of the food choices they are makin ...g. Some assume it is part of their genetic make-up or the body changing as they get older.
People need to become educated, knowledgeable and aware. They need to start making changes to improve the health of their children and future generations.
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Tim Raue

   2017    Art
Meet Tim Raue, the lauded German chef who went from gang life to fine dining. After leaving the streets, he defied all odds with explosive creativity, but also the knack for running several lucrative restaurants. For a high school dropout once told he could only be a house painter, gardener, or cook, it's a culinary story that does seem to be ... written in the Michelin stars.   Show More
Series: Chef's Table

Ivan Orkin

   2017    Art
Ivan Orkin, the brash, white, Jewish guy from New York who made his name as one of the best ramen makers on the planet has an unorthodox story. That means no tweezer food, plenty of swear words, no slow shots of the chef communing with nature. He was a problem child, fell in love with Japan, fell in love with cooking, suffered personal traged ...y, and found his reason for being and his ultimate success in Tokyo.   Show More
Series: Chef's Table