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"Environment"  Sort by

Mission Blue

Legendary oceanographer and TED prize winner Dr. Sylvia Earle is on a mission to save our oceans. Mission Blue is part action-adventure, part expose of an Eco-disaster. More than 100 scientists, philanthropists and activists gather in the Galapagos Islands to help fulfill Dr. Earle's lifelong wish: build a global network of marine protected areas, like underwater national parks, to protect the natural systems that keep humans alive.
As the expedition ends, the Deep water Horizon oil well explodes. With oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, Sylvia and an environmental dream team race around the world trying to defend her 'Hope Spots'.

Seven Wonders of the New World

   2020    Science    HD
The final episode of the series ponders the fate of planet Earth. Neil deGrasse Tyson opens with a reflection on science and those who help us understand it: 'We all feel the weight of the shadows on our future, but in another time, every bit as ominous as our own, there were those who could see a way through the darkness to find a star to steer by.'
The young Carl Sagan and Neil Tyson first discovered their passion for science at the NY World's Fairs of the past. We visit the dazzling Pavilions of the 2039 NY World's Fair, where problems we currently think intractable have been plausibly solved through public commitment and scientific imagination. And our baby is a woman now, with a baby of her own and a future bright with possibilities.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Playing with Sharks

   2021    Nature
The film captures de life of Valerie Taylor, a living legend and true pioneer in both underwater filmmaking and shark research. Valerie work has became the basis for much of what we know about sharks today.
Through remarkable underwater archival footage, along with interviews with Valerie herself, 'Playing with Sharks' follows this daring ocean explorer's trajectory from champion spear fisher to passionate shark protector.

Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

   2021    Nature
David Attenborough and the world-renowned scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse. The film explains how humanity has pushed our planet beyond the boundaries that have kept it stable since the dawn of life, but also that this crisis can still be averted, thinking and acting with one unified purpose to ensure that Earth forever remains healthy and resilient.

Brave Blue World

   2019    Nature
The film challenges many of the commonly held assumptions about our water systems and how people think about water. Its goal is to bust the global sense of impending doom by painting an alternative, optimistic water future and mapping out the ways to get there. The filmmakers believe that even one person with enough knowledge can make a difference and inspire a movement. The film tries to provide that knowledge and to envision a day when everybody has access to clean water and sanitation and in our lifetime.
Narrated by Liam Neeson, featuring Matt Damon and Jaden Smith, 'Brave Blue World' paints an optimistic picture of how humanity is adopting new technologies and innovations to re-think how water is managed.


   2021    Nature
Jeremy Clarkson decides to become a naturalist. 'In just 30 years, insect numbers have dropped by 25% and they're still falling. Without insects, all life on Earth ends. Everywhere where insects like to live is disappearing and I've decided to do something about that. My plan is to make my hedgerows, my valleys, my woods, and my streams more attractive to creepy crawlies. In essence, I am going to leave chunks of the farm completely alone. I'm going to put Mother Nature in the driving seat. It's a process called wilding.'
Series: Clarkson Farm