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Seeing in Colour

   2021    Nature
The natural world is full of colours. For us, they are a source of beauty, but for animals they are a tool for survival. David Attenborough reveals the extraordinary ways in which animals use colour: to win a mate, to fight off rivals and to warn enemies. New camera technologies - some developed especially for this series – also allow us to see colours and patterns usually invisible to human eyes.
Ultraviolet cameras reveal bright signals on a butterfly’s wings and facial markings on yellow damselfish that are used as secret communication channels. Some animals can also detect polarized light, and specialist cameras can now show us how fiddler crabs see the world, and how mantis shrimp have strange polarization patterns on their bodies to signal to a mate or rival.
Series: Attenborough Life in Colour

Paraguay: The Most Dangerous Prison on Earth

   2020    Culture
Imagine being in jail. Now imagine living in a foreign country. Scary? Raphael Rowe served 12 years in prison for a crime he was eventually acquitted. He takes you inside these jails. Rowe shows what living conditions are for the inmates, as well as the guards. You'll never look at prison the same.
In the first episode, Raphael Rowe spends a week behind bars at Tacumbu prison in Paraguay, where inmates scrounge in the trash in order to pay their own way.
Series: Inside the World Toughest Prisons


   2020    Art
An in-depth look into the life and work of the iconic artist and musician Frank Zappa. As a singer, songwriter, rock guitarist, classical composter, recording producer and even occasional film director, Frank Zappa was as difficult to describe as his eclectic music was throughout his 30-year career.
Zappa was without peer, a singular entity who branched out in countless directions, and in the process, became one of the most important and influential musical artists of the latter-20th century. With his most famous band, The Mothers of Invention, he blended rock, jazz, classical, doo-wop, R&B and avant-garde stylings with strange, sexually-tinged lyrics and absurd stage theatrics to create a wholly unique live experience, while in the studio producing outside-the-mainstream albums.

Earth Death Orbit

   2019    Science
We're unlocking the secrets of our planet's voyage and discovering that earth's journey affects us all. The Earth is extremely dynamic. It is spinning on its axis, it's whirling about the sun and it's corkscrewing throughout the this galaxy. And there is the fact than Andromeda and the Milky Way are currently 2.5 million light-years apart, but they're hurtling towards each other at over 250,000 miles an hour. A collision is inevitable. As stars, dust, and gas swirl around each other, gravitational interactions could slingshot our solar system out into intergalactic space.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8

Life in a Day 2020

   2021    Culture
On July 25th, 2020, people all over the world filmed their lives and shared their stories to be part of a documentary film. When all the submissions were tallied, the filmmakers had received over 300,000 videos from 192 countries. The result is a stirring film about love, death, heartbreak, and hope that looks beyond geography and circumstance to explore what connects us as humans.
Series: Life in a Day

Monsters of the Milky Way

   2019    Science
The center of our galaxy is one of the most nightmarish places in the cosmos. It's the home to some of the most incredible forces the universe has to offer. Gas streaming everywhere, stars are being born and dying and exploding, radiation blasting out. And at the very heart is the super massive black hole, 4 million times the mass of the sun. But also the Milky Way, is our safe harbour, our island in this vast, cosmic ocean. And so to understand the heart of our galaxy, is to understand our home in this cosmic void.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8