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Lack of Humility

   2015    History
In the ninth episode, Steven's trial is over, but a new one is just beginning. Will the jury find the suspect's confession or his conflicting statements more believable?
Series: Making a Murderer

Top Science Stories of 2016

   2016    Science
From the detection of gravitational waves generated in space over a billion years ago, to discoveries in genetics here on Earth, we've collected the most compelling science breakthroughs and advances of 2016. Thanks to magnificent, hard-working scientists and researchers around the world, science keeps marching ever forward. And this year saw some discoveries that are absolutely brimming with the promise of greater discoveries, breakthroughs and quality of life in the future.
Series: Top Science Stories

The Great Burden

   2015    History
In the eighth episode, after two long days of closing arguments, the jury deliberates. Steven's fate hinges on whether the jury believes police misconduct may have occurred.
Series: Making a Murderer

Enigma Man

   2017    History
A team of Australian and Chinese scientists discover mysterious ancient human remains from a remote cave in South West China. The bones are unlike any living human or any ancient human known to science, yet they were alive at the same time as humans of our own kind. Could they represent a new human species? And if so, what happened to these people?

Framing Defense

   2015    History
In the seventh episode, as the murder trial continues, Steven's attorneys present their case that law enforcement officials planted evidence to frame him.
Series: Making a Murderer

Testing the Evidence

   2015    History
In the sixth episode, Steven's attorneys cross-examine forensic experts about contaminated evidence and the absence of proof linking Steven to the crime.
Series: Making a Murderer
How the Universe Works

How the Universe Works

2014  Science
The Cell

The Cell

Planet Dinosaur

Planet Dinosaur

2011  Science


2021  Culture
Chef's Table

Chef's Table

2017  Art


2023  Technology