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"Solar System"  Sort by

Jupiter: Mystery of the Solar System

   2020    Science    HD
Jupiter is a turbulent world of monster magnetic fields and endless mega storms. Generations of astronomers have attempted to solve the mysteries of Jupiter, the most fierce and extreme planet in the Solar System. And now, NASA's Juno probe is revealing new evidence that could unlock the secrets of why this planet is so strange. With Juno, we're able to see Jupiter from the inside out and reach deep into its core to reveal how it grew.
Series: Space Deepest Secrets

Exploring The Universe

   2020    Science
This remarkable science-history series investigates the blistering pace of human endeavour in space exploration, computing, energy, resources, Earth science and our understanding of the evolution of life itself. Across the last 50 years, humans have set a blistering pace and scientific discovery. We've crossed the boundaries of our solar system, made machines that can learn harnessed the power of the sun and built life from scratch. It's a period like no other in history, where human endeavour is changing everything: this is The Great Acceleration. As we race toward the future, we must examine the journey.
In the first episode, Dr Shalin Naik explores the ambitious space shuttle mission that began in the '70s plus the future colonization of Mars. Over the past 50 years, space has become central to everything, from communications to entertainment to climate modelling. And as private enterprise enters space exploration, our understanding of the universe will only continue to expand. We will know if we can survive on other objects - the moon, maybe Mars, maybe even some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Deep space is the last and infinite frontier. That's what we do as human beings. We explore, we learn, we make discoveries, from the moment we're born to the moment we die.
Series: The Great Acceleration

Pluto: Back From the Dead

   2020    Science
The incredible story of how Pluto has been propelled from an unremarkable ball of ice on the edge of the solar system to a world of unimaginable complexity - where some form of alien life might exist.
New discoveries from the edge of the solar system are transforming what is known about Pluto, thanks to the New Horizons space probe that took the first-ever close up images of the planet. Pluto was once thought to be geologically dead, but the pictures revealed it to be an active world of stunning complexity, with mountains carved from ice, a nitrogen glacier that appeared to be moving and a recently active volcano, with data sent back lead some scientists to speculate that there may even be life on Pluto today.
Series: Space Deepest Secrets

The Fleeting Grace of Habitable Zone

   2020    Science
The second episode takes a look at how humans have always been voyagers and explorers, leaving the comfort of native shores to explore. Neil DeGrasse Tyson will show us a long-term vision of humanity's future worlds.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Touching the Sun

   2019    Science    HD
For all of human history, the Sun, our home star, has measured our days and our seasons while fueling all life on Earth. Yet it remains an enigma. NASA's Parker Probe Plus is on a mission to change that, flying through dangerous radiation to become the closest spaceship to orbit our Sun.
It's a journey to the center of our solar system, a mission to gather information about the most critical celestial body in the sky, our star.
Series: Breakthrough


   2018    Science
The sun gives us warmth and light. It is the fuel of life. Without the energy of the sun almost nothing grows, thrives or lives. But the sun was not put there for our benefit. It is not this big jolly ball of nice smiling down on us, wishing us all a good day. It is not our friend. The sun is a monster. A planet killer. And we don't see that side of the sun down here.
But eight astronauts, with over 1,000 days in space between them, can show us how being up there helped them understand the suns bright fury.
Series: One Strange Rock
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
Life in a Day

Life in a Day

2021  Culture
The Cell

The Cell

Building Giants

Building Giants

2019  Technology
The Mind Explained

The Mind Explained

2019  Medicine