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"Ecosystems"  Sort by

Namib: Skeleton Coast and Beyond

   2021    Nature
The Namib Desert is one of the oldest deserts and also one of the most diverse. With 50ºC (120ºF) temperatures and half a millimetre of rainfall annually, we see how this is possible. Half the size of Oklahoma, from its Skeleton Coast through the sea of sand to the haze of distant mountains this apparently forbidding desert hides secret water sources.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

Borneo: Sacred Forest

   2021    Nature
Travel to the far corners of the planet and discover the secrets of Earth’s few remaining untouched lands, all brimming with life. Isolated from the rest of the world, these places have been protected from the most damaging effects of human interference. In these lands, life exists as nature intended. Delicately balanced, species-rich, unique ecosystems. This series embarks on a breath-taking journey to Earth’s last Edens.
Borneo is the richest rainforest island of all; home to 40,000 species of plants and animals. 6,000 of them are unique -- and more are discovered almost daily.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

   2021    Nature
David Attenborough and the world-renowned scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse. The film explains how humanity has pushed our planet beyond the boundaries that have kept it stable since the dawn of life, but also that this crisis can still be averted, thinking and acting with one unified purpose to ensure that Earth forever remains healthy and resilient.


   2021    Nature
Jeremy Clarkson decides to become a naturalist. 'In just 30 years, insect numbers have dropped by 25% and they're still falling. Without insects, all life on Earth ends. Everywhere where insects like to live is disappearing and I've decided to do something about that. My plan is to make my hedgerows, my valleys, my woods, and my streams more attractive to creepy crawlies. In essence, I am going to leave chunks of the farm completely alone. I'm going to put Mother Nature in the driving seat. It's a process called wilding.'
Series: Clarkson Farm


   2021    Nature
A new force threatens our perfect planet. In the past, five mass extinction events were caused by cataclysmic volcanic eruptions. It was not the lava or ash that wiped out life, but an invisible gas released by volcanoes: carbon dioxide. Almost every part of modern life depends on energy created by burning fossil fuels, and this produces CO2 in huge amounts. Humans are changing our planet so rapidly, it’s affecting earth’s life support systems: our weather, our oceans and the living world. The greatest change to be made is in how we create energy, and the planet is brimming with natural power that can help us do just that. It’s these forces of nature - the wind, the sun, waves and geothermal energy - that hold the key to our future.
Through compelling animal-led stories and expert interviews, we discover how CO2 is destabilising our planet. We meet rescued orphaned elephants in Kenya, victims of ever worsening droughts, and join ocean patrols off the coast of Gabon fighting to save endangered sharks. In the Amazon, we witness wildlife teams saving animals in the shrinking forests, and in San Diego we enter a cryogenic zoo preserving the DNA of endangered species before they become extinct.
Series: A Perfect Planet


   2021    Nature
Oceans are the largest ecosystem on earth, covering two thirds of our world’s surface and providing half the oxygen in our atmosphere. They are home to as much as 80 per cent of all life on earth, and nearly three billion people rely on them for their primary source of food.
But our planet’s oceans would be little more than stagnant wastelands, and life on planet earth would cease to exist, were it not for one simple factor: a global network of powerful ocean currents. Every drop of seawater on earth rides these currents, taking 1,000 years to complete a single circuit. Without the constant mixing of currents, tides and waves, our oceans would stop supporting life - and a healthy ocean is vital to a healthy planet.
Series: A Perfect Planet
Becoming Martian

Becoming Martian

2021  Technology
Clarkson Farm

Clarkson Farm

2021  Nature
Racism: A History

Racism: A History

2007  Culture


2020  History
The Last Dance

The Last Dance

2020  Culture
Clarkson Farm Season 2

Clarkson Farm Season 2

2023  Nature