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The Explorers

   2018    Technology
A look at the probes which explored our Solar System, laying the groundwork for a future spacecraft to search for life on a second Earth. That space craft must communicate, it must navigate, it must have power, it must have propulsion. We will have to give it all the intelligence necessary to make its own decisions. In 'The Explorers' the spacecraft Artemis initiates launch sequence and begins its 4.7 light year journey to Minerva B - an Earth-like exoplanet.
Series: Living Universe

The A.I. Race

   2018    Technology
Explore how Artificial Intelligence will change your job as new research shows how much of what you do could be done by robots. From truckers to lawyers & doctors, we bring affected workers face to face with AI experts. How can we prepare for the coming changes to the world economy? We are on the precipice of another technological transformation. The last industrial revolution turned society upside down. It ultimately delivered greater prosperity and many more jobs, as well as the eight hour day and weekends. But the transition was at times shocking and violent.
The question is, can we do better this time? We don't realize that the future is not inevitable. The future is the result of the decisions we make today. These technologies are morally neutral, they can be used for good or for bad. There's immense good things they can do, they can eliminate many disease, they can help eliminate poverty, they can tackle climate change. Equally, the technology can be used for lots of bad. It can be used to increase inequality,it can be used to transform warfare. It can be used to make our lives much worse. We get to make those choices.

The Joy of AI

   2018    Technology
Professor Jim Al-Khalili looks at how we have created machines that can simulate, augment, and even outperform the human mind - and why we shouldn't let this spook us. He reveals the story of the pursuit of AI, the emergence of machine learning and the recent breakthroughs brought about by artificial neural networks. He shows how AI is not only changing our world but also challenging our very ideas of intelligence and consciousness.
Along the way, we'll investigate spam filters, meet a cutting-edge chatbot, look at why a few altered pixels makes a computer think it's looking at a trombone rather than a dog and talk to Demis Hassabis, who heads DeepMind and whose stated mission is to 'solve intelligence, and then use that to solve everything else'. Stephen Hawking remarked 'AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation. Or the worst'. Jim argues that AI is a potent new tool that should enhance our lives, not replace us.

One Life

   2011    Nature    HD
Growing up. Finding food. Seeking shelter. Finding a soul mate. Raising children. These universal themes touch the hearts of audiences everywhere. Parents will do anything to give their kids the best start in life. Witness the epic journey of a tiny poison arrow frog, scaling impossibly high trees to feed her tadpoles in the canopy. As the young grow, they confront the life long search for food. Capuchin monkeys spend up to eight years teaching their young the complex process of preparing a palm nut meal.
For those creatures who successfully negotiated all the obstacles to adulthood, it’s time to face the ultimate test: to find a partner and to pass on their genes to the next generation. In what is one of the most spectacular and romantic courtship dances in the world, grebes step out across the surface of a lake in perfect unison. We see so much of ourselves in these different animals, and them in us – intelligence, strength, determination, courage, even love. The stories combine to reveal how every living thing on our planet shares the same desire – not just to live, but to foster new life. Relevant, engaging and above all, amazing. Narrated by Daniel Craig,

Nova Wonders Are We Alone

   2018    Science    HD
The search for extraterrestrial life is an age-old quest. But recent breakthroughs make today an era like no other in the history of astronomy. From the exhilarating probing of our own solar system and the Kepler mission’s astounding discovery of thousands of extrasolar planets, to the next-generation telescopes under development, the prospects for finding life beyond Earth have never been stronger.
Still, daunting hurdles remain. How can we study anything light years away, let alone a little planet? In the vast universe, where should we even start to look? Is our failure to hear any other voices in the galaxy a sign that we are special? Join leading explorers now searching the galaxy for life and intelligence on other planets—and asks, if we do find other life in the universe... what would that mean?
Series: Nova Wonders

Do You Trust this Computer

   2018    Technology    HD
Science fiction has long anticipated the rise of machine intelligence. Today, a new generation of self-learning computers is reshaping every aspect of our lives. Incomprehensible amounts of data are being collected, interpreted, and fed back to us in a tsunami of apps, smart devices, and targeted advertisements.
Virtually every industry on earth is feeling this transformation, from job automation to medical diagnostics, from elections to battlefield weapons. Do You Trust This Computer? explores the promises and perils of this developing era. Will A.I. usher in an age of unprecedented potential, or prove to be our final invention?