Professor Brian Cox tackles some of the most challenging and intriguing questions facing science. He looks back on a decade of discovery and towards the next space frontier. Brian believes we are at the start of a new age of space travel, where space flight is on the verge of becoming routine. In this episode, he explores the latest scie ...nce and takes a new look at his old films and asks: how far can we go in our exploration of the cosmos?
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Brian Cox looks at our attempts to answer one of the most profound questions we can ask – are we alone in the universe? With scientists sending space probes to the furthest reaches of our solar system and beyond, the scientific search for alien life has begun. Inspired by a childhood love of science fiction, Brian still hopes to hear from ET. ... In this film, he explains why this search deserves to be taken seriously, and he explores the chances of it happening.
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Brian takes a fresh look at the concept of gravity, revealing it to be far more than just the force that makes things fall to the ground. In the last three years, we've made profound discoveries about the nature of gravity and the way it behaves, and how this relates to the origin of the universe and strange things like black holes. Our ...theory of gravity has become the attempt to understand the nature of space and time.
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Time i s a concept which is so familiar, and yet recent discoveries have revealed it to be far stranger than we could have possibly imagined. In the final programme in the series, Brian explores the enigma of time - a phenomenon we take for granted but which is one of the biggest mysteries in the universe. He recalls highlights from his TV se ...ries that touch upon this conundrum.
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Brian believes we are at the start of a new age of space travel, where space flight is on the verge of becoming routine. In this episode, he explores the latest scie ...nce and takes a new look at his old films and asks: how far can we go in our exploration of the cosmos? Show More