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Battle of Britain

   2020    History
In 1940, France has fallen and Hitler orders Operation Sealion, the invasion of Great Britain. But first the Luftwaffe must defeat the RAF for seaborne landings to succeed. In July 1940 an epic struggle in the skies above England begins. Only a brilliant defensive system and the bravery of young pilots stand in the Luftwaffe’s way. Wave after wave of German bombers are attacked by British planes. Featuring the last interview with the youngest Spitfire-pilot in the battle, Geoffrey Wellum.
Series: Greatest Events of WWII in Colour

Pearl Harbor

   2020    History
When Japan’s military expansion in the Pacific reaches its fever pitch, Roosevelt is forced to act. By cutting off oil supplies, he hopes to force Japan to back down. But far from sedating their imperial expansions, he pushes them to take one of the greatest gambles in military history – taking their entire striking fleet 4000 miles across the Ocean to attack the American Pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor. It’s a huge gamble, and if it goes wrong, it will spell suicide for Japan.
Series: Greatest Events of WWII in Colour

Battle of Midway

   2020    History
In the aftermath of Japan’s devastating attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Imperial Navy moves in for a knockout blow. A surprise attack against the island of Midway is planned to draw the remaining American aircraft carriers out for a decisive battle. Admiral Yamamoto devises a meticulous plan. But the attack is in the hands of his by-the-book Admiral, Nogumo. When a genius American code-breaker unearths their plans – the Japanese attack is thrown into chaos.
Series: Greatest Events of WWII in Colour

Siege of Stalingrad

   2020    History
Mid-1942, as Hitler’s forces are pushing into southern Russia to take the oilfields, he spies a city prized by his enemy Stalin – Stalingrad. If Hitler can capture this city, he can expand his empire all the way to the Urals. But what Hitler hasn’t counted on is the enormous resilience of the Soviet people; men and women willing to defend their Motherland at all costs.
What ensues at Stalingrad is one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare, with an estimated 2 million total casualties, and an event that turns the tide for the Germans.
Series: Greatest Events of WWII in Colour


   2020    History
The Allies plan for years how to break through Hitler’s Atlantic Wall in France. The deception operations are some of the most elaborate of the war, including a huge inflatable army in Kent. The D-Day fleet is the biggest assembled in history, with over 160,000 men crossing the channel to land on five Normandy beaches, each with differing success. But landing is just the beginning, what follows is one of the bloodiest and most extraordinary battles of WWII.
Series: Greatest Events of WWII in Colour

Battle of the Bulge

   2020    History
High on cocaine, Hitler hatches an audacious plan to turn the tide of the war. He has been prescribed the drug for injuries sustained when Stauffenberg tried to kill him.
Colourised archive depicts the Germans’ opening salvo artillery barrage and George Patton’s arrival in Bastogne to break the German siege. The film also looks at the role played by commando Otto Skorzeny, who put English-speaking German soldiers behind the lines to sow confusion, spreading the rumour that they try to kill or capture Eisenhower.
Series: Greatest Events of WWII in Colour
The Last Dance

The Last Dance

2020  Culture


2020  History
The Mind of a Chef

The Mind of a Chef

2017  Culture
Life In Cold Blood

Life In Cold Blood

2008  Nature
The Gene Code

The Gene Code

2011  Science