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Killing for Clicks

   2019    History
A new video pushes panic go to the next level, galvanizing the 'internet nerds' to intensify their own painstaking investigation as police join the hunt. In the previous videos, the object on the bed were cats, in this video, it was an actual person. How hard is it going to be to track him down? How dangerous is this man?
Series: Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Closing the Net

   2019    History
With the killer's identity - and twisted motives - revealed, the group finds more key clues as the global police manhunt reaches a fever pitch. A question arises: Were we complicit in his crimes? Did we feed the narcissism of the monster to the point where he had to go forward?
Series: Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Unmasking Jihadi John

   2019    Culture
This feature documentary tells the story of Mohammed Emwazi's journey from being an ordinary London boy to becoming terrorist 'Jihadi John', and the intelligence operatives' attempts to catch him by the US and British military and intelligence services.
It explores the twisted worldview espoused by ISIS - the richest and most notorious Islamist terrorist organization in history - and its propaganda machine which was operated by "Jihadi millennials" who turned social media sites such as Twitter and YouTube into recruitment platforms. Told through extraordinary first-hand accounts of key counter-terrorism and intelligence officials who identified "Jihadi John" and the voices of Muslim community leaders who worked with parents whose radicalized children fled places such as the US and Britain to join ISIS on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq.

No Safe Spaces

   2019    Culture
The First Amendment and the very idea of free speech are under attack in America today. A growing number of Americans don't believe you have the right to speak your mind if what you have to say might offend someone, somewhere. They advocate for 'safe spaces' in which people won't be offended by ideas they may find troubling. But is that what America is about?
In No Safe Spaces, comedian and podcast king Adam Carolla and radio talk show host Dennis Prager travel the country, talking to experts and advocates on the left and right, tour college campuses, and examine their own upbringings to try to understand what is happening in America today and what free speech in this country should look (and sound) like.

Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound

   2019    Art
The documentary reveals the hidden power of sound in film and in our lives through interviews, film clips and a look at its actual process of creation and discovery. It captures the history, impact and creative process of this art form with insightful, poignant and entertaining stories told by legendary sound designers and visionary directors, and the sound artists they collaborate with who create the magic in all the films we love.

The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great

   2019    History
The disappearance and fate of the tomb of Alexander the Great in Alexandria is among the most momentous and tantalising of all the mysteries we have inherited from the ancient world. Generations of scholars and historians have succumbed to the allure of the quest.
Now archaeologist Pepi Papakosta is on a mission to find Alexander the Great's lost tomb. Excavating in a public garden in the center of Alexandria, Egypt, the city he founded 2,300 years ago, she has discovered a rare marble statue of Alexander, Greek treasures and secret tunnels. But Pepi's biggest find is an extraordinary discovery even she was not expecting.
Meltdown: Three Mile Island

Meltdown: Three Mile Island

2022  Technology
Mind Field Season 2

Mind Field Season 2

2018  Technology


2020  History
Life Story

Life Story

2014  Nature
Planet Dinosaur

Planet Dinosaur

2011  Science
The Life of Mammals

The Life of Mammals

2002  Nature