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Ancient Alien Computer

   2021    History
An ancient piece of corroded metal is more than it seems: an alien-looking device of intricate dials and cogs; there are over 30 gears inside and some gears have up to 65 teeth on them. Using cutting-edge imaging technology, experts examine what could actually be a 2,000-year-old computer.
How can an ancient Roman cup change colour? It's not an optical illusion. It really does change colour from red to green.
Series: Strangest Things

Borneo: Sacred Forest

   2021    Nature
Travel to the far corners of the planet and discover the secrets of Earth’s few remaining untouched lands, all brimming with life. Isolated from the rest of the world, these places have been protected from the most damaging effects of human interference. In these lands, life exists as nature intended. Delicately balanced, species-rich, unique ecosystems. This series embarks on a breath-taking journey to Earth’s last Edens.
Borneo is the richest rainforest island of all; home to 40,000 species of plants and animals. 6,000 of them are unique -- and more are discovered almost daily.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

Revive Our Oceans

   2021    Nature
Seafood is a substantial part of the daily diet of over three billion people and oceans absorbs almost a third of all the greenhouse gases we emits. Buy the ocean it is not what it once was. Scenes of extraordinary ocean abundance now only exist in far-off places or in tales from the past. We urgently need to mend our relationship with our oceans and allow them to thrive once again.
Prince William, David Attenborough and Shakira find out about inspiring people and projects across the world that can help us stop damaging the oceans and enable their revival.
Series: The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet

The Last Dance Episode IV

   2020    History
Phil Jackson brings a new philosophy to the Bulls after replacing Doug Collins and takes the Bulls to the next level. He manages to not only connect on a deep level with his players, but also install the Triangle Offense, a key turning point in Chicago's dynasty.
The Bulls finally eliminate the Pistons in the 1991 Eastern Conference finals and earns a shot at an NBA title. But controversy ensues when Detroit players walk off the floor before the end of regulation without engaging in the customary postgame handshakes.
Series: The Last Dance

Fixing a Broken Heart

   2019    Medicine    HD
Heart disease is the number one cause of deaths worldwide, killing more than eight million people each year. Cardiac infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, can happen without warning, killing heart muscle cells immediately. Even if the patient recovers, the damage to their heart may not.
But there are researchers frantically working to change that. Meet the people inventing the future of cardiac health, from new ways of imaging the body, to the possibility of 3D printing a functioning heart.
Series: Breakthrough

Mind Reading

   2019    Medicine
Mind reading might sound like pseudoscientific, but its scientific counterpart, thought identification, is very much a real thing. It's based in neuroimaging and machine learning, and what's really cool is that experiments in mind reading aren't just about spying on what someone is thinking. They're about figuring out what thoughts are even made of.
When you think of something, what does that mental picture actually look like? What resolution is it in? How high fidelity is a memory, and how do they change over time? In this episode, we are going to look at how reading people's minds can help us answer these questions.
Series: Mind Field


2023  History
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
Top Gear

Top Gear

2012  Technology
Secrets of the Octopus

Secrets of the Octopus

2024  Nature
Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

2018  Culture

