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The Story of India: Freedom

   2007    History
This episode examines the British Raj and India’s struggle for freedom. Wood reveals how in South India a global corporation came to control much of the subcontinent, and explores the magical culture of Lucknow, discovering the enigmatic Briton who helped found the freedom movement. He traces the Amritsar massacre, the rise of Gandhi and Nehru, and the events that led to the Partition of India in 1947.
Series: The Story of India

The Secrets of the Sun

   2007    Science    3D
A look at how the Sun was formed and how it could potentially die; its physical composition; how it makes energy; and the nature of solar eclipses, solar flares and sunspot activity. Behold the sun and all of its glory. Learn all things about the sun ranging from its beginning to its death. Also learn about how stars work in general and MUCH, MUCH more.
Series: The Universe

Mars, the Red Planet

   2007    Science
Visit the planet most like Earth. There is a discussion of what life on Mars would be like and about the life forms that could've evolved there
Series: The Universe

The End of the Earth

   2007    Science
Find out what is being done to prevent the end of the world from threats from outer space such as comets and asteroids. Also discussed are apocalyptic scenarios.
Series: The Universe

Jupiter the Giant Planet

   2007    Science    3D
A look at the solar system's largest planet, Jupiter; its formation and composition and its mini-solar system of over 60 moons – some of which may have the potential to support extra-terrestrial life.
Series: The Universe

The Moon

   2007    Science    3D
Learn about what the moon is made and its formation; how it played a role in the evolution of life on Earth; and the future plans of NASA to establish a permanent base on the surface. Know more about moons on other planets.
Series: The Universe