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Into Space

   2019    Technology    HD
The most innovative area of human motion lies not on Earth, but with the exploration of space. Space is the most hostile environment we know. Navigating it involves crossing unprecedented distances. It's the greatest engineering challenge humanity has ever undertaken.
Meet the pioneers who've dreamed of reaching other worlds, pushing the boundaries of space exploration, and the private space entrepreneurs jostling to offer the tantalizing prospect of cheap, frequent travel beyond the atmosphere into Earth orbit.
Series: Speed

Hunt for the Missing Black Holes

   2019    Science    HD
Recently, the Event Horizon Telescope project captured the first image ever of a black hole. Now, new discoveries might finally reveal how supermassive black holes are made, and using the latest technology, experts are on the verge of understanding how these monsters grow and how they affect life on our planet.
Supermassive black holes: Gargantuan monsters that lurk at the center of galaxies. Right now you are travelling at half a million miles an hour around a giant black hole four million times the mass of the sun. But there's a mystery about these colossal beasts. We have no idea where they came from. How did they get so big so quickly?
Series: Space Deepest Secrets

Cannabis: Miracle Medicine or Dangerous Drug

   2019    Medicine
At an extraordinary moment in the history of one of the world’s oldest and most controversial drugs, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim investigates the very latest medical and scientific research into the effects of cannabis on the brain and the body, to find out whether it will help or harm patients.
Javid meets the young epilepsy patient responsible for changing the law around medicinal cannabis in the UK and sees the remarkable effects it has on his condition. He visits a medicinal cannabis farm in Denmark to learn how a company known for growing the recreational drug are now producing medicinal cannabis to be exported all over Europe. He travels to Israel, to find out why they have been using cannabis as a medicine for over 20 years and meets the scientists studying the safety and effectiveness of cannabis in treating pain. And he meets the so-called godfather of cannabis, who at 88 years old is still an active research scientist and considered the world’s leading cannabis expert.

Inside Bills Brain: Decoding Bill Gates 3of3

   2019    History
The search for climate change solutions requires passion, resources and a sense of urgency -- three qualities Bill Gates clearly possesses. Bill has founded a start-up called TerraPower. After extensive computer modelling, the idea showed promise. Its new reactor greatly reduced the chance of human error. Fuelled by depleted uranium, the travelling wave reactor functions like a slow-burning candle and requires refuelling only once every decade. Bill and his team believed they had finally developed the ideal energy source, a reactor that was clean, efficient, and most importantly, safe.
Series: Inside Bills Brain: Decoding Bill Gates

Secrets of Time Travel

   2019    Science
Could time travel ever be science fact? Time itself may be something you can bend and stretch. Trying to understand if time travel can be possible teach us a lot about the universe. It forces us to take on some of the toughest unanswered questions in all of physics and will ultimately probably lead to deeper understanding of the very nature of the cosmos.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 8

No Safe Spaces

   2019    Culture
The First Amendment and the very idea of free speech are under attack in America today. A growing number of Americans don't believe you have the right to speak your mind if what you have to say might offend someone, somewhere. They advocate for 'safe spaces' in which people won't be offended by ideas they may find troubling. But is that what America is about?
In No Safe Spaces, comedian and podcast king Adam Carolla and radio talk show host Dennis Prager travel the country, talking to experts and advocates on the left and right, tour college campuses, and examine their own upbringings to try to understand what is happening in America today and what free speech in this country should look (and sound) like.