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"Climate"  Sort by

Can We Cool the Planet

   2020    Nature
Are rising temperatures driving Earth's ecosystems past a point of no return? We have promising technologies that put solutions within our grasp. Scientists are exploring solutions: from geoengineering to sucking carbon out of the air to cloud brightening, as means to cool the planet. Cutting-edge solutions and high-risk measures. But would they work? And what are the risks of engineering Earth's climate?

I Am Greta

   2020    History
In August of 2018, Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old student in Sweden, starts a school strike for the climate. Her question for adults: if you don't care about her future on earth, why should she care about her future in school? Within months, her strike evolves into a global movement. Greta, a quiet Northern-European girl on the autism spectrum is now a world famous activist. The team behind Greta has been following the young activist from her very first day of school striking. The documentary shows the international crusade of Greta on in her goal to get people to listen to scientists about the world's environmental problems.

Climate Change The Facts

   2019    Nature    HD
David Attenborough takes a stark look at the facts surrounding Climate Change in today's world, detailing the dangers we are already having to deal with and future threats, but also the possibilities for potential solutions to this global threat and the radical political, social and cultural changes needed.
Interviews with some of the world’s leading climate scientists explore recent extreme weather conditions such as unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires. They also reveal what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for both human populations and the natural world in the future.

A New Perspective

   2019    Nature    HD
Prepare yourself for a groundbreaking series that reveals a spectacular new space-based vision of our planet. Cameras in space will tell stories of life on our planet from a brand new perspective.
Satellites follow an elephant family struggling through drought, reveal previously unknown emperor penguin colonies from the colour of their poo, and discover mysterious ice rings that could put seal pups in danger. Using cameras on the ground, in the air and in space, Earth from Space follows nature’s greatest spectacles, weather events and dramatic seasonal changes. This is our home, as we’ve never seen it before.
Series: Earth from Space

Colourful Planet

   2019    Nature    HD
From space, Earth is a kaleidoscope. Turquoise plankton blooms trigger a feeding frenzy, China turns yellow with rapeseed flowers, and mysterious green lights appear in the ocean. Satellites give us a new perspective on its greatest and most beautiful spectacles allowing us to make new discoveries We can watch landscapes change through the seasons and marvel in the scale of their transformations.
Satellite cameras capture a kaleidoscope of extraordinary colours surprising and constantly changing, created by natural phenomena, by animals and by people. These colours are revealing new insight into the health of our fragile planet, transforming our understanding of our colourful home.
Series: Earth from Space

Vegan 2019

   2019    Culture    HD
Widespread dietary changes are needed if we’re to combat the range of health problems associated with obesity and the environmental damage caused by industrial farming. Switching to a vegan diet is a potential solution, but selling the idea to the meat-eaters around the world is a tricky proposition.
Series: Vegan