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"Telescope"  Sort by

What Is Out There

   2010    History
An informative and ambitious journey exploring how the evolution of scientific understanding is intimately interwoven with society's historical path. The Story Of Science tells the forces that came together to create scientific knowledge; the practical business of making instruments and machines; the great forces of history – revolutions, voyages of discovery and artistic movements – and the dogged determination of scientists and experimenters. This is the story of how scientific ideas shaped the modern world and how science made history. Michael Mosley begins the first episode with the story of one of the great upheavals in human history - how we came to understand that our planet was not at the centre of everything in the cosmos, but just one of billions of bodies in a vast and expanding universe. He reveals the critical role of medieval astrologers in changing our view of the heavens, and the surprising connections to the upheavals of the Renaissance, the growth of coffee shops and Californian oil and railway barons. Michael shows how important the practical skills of craftsmen have been to this story and finds out how Galileo made his telescope to peer at the heavens and by doing so helped change our view of the universe forever.
Series: The Story of Science

Venus and Mercury

   2010    Science
It is the ultimate in adventure travel, but it is not for the faint of heart. But the sights — from Jupiter’s churning red eye to Saturn’s glittering rings — are out of this world. The series takes viewers on a breath-taking journey through the planets in our Solar System. See stunning images of each planet including highly detailed images captured by today’s ultra high-tech telescopes. Advanced animation takes you up close and personal with these distant worlds, as we plunge through space to get a better look at the neighbours.
Series: A Traveler Guide to the Planets

Hubble 3D

   2010    Technology    3D
In May 2009, NASA astronauts embark on a mission to perform maintenance and repairs to the Hubble Space Telescope. As they go about their tasks, danger and beauty are never far away. The nature of space indicates that even the simplest routine can go fatally awry, while amazing photographs taken by the telescope celebrate the wonder of Earth's celestial surroundings.
An IMAX 3D camera chronicled the effort of 7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Journey to the Edge of the Universe

   2008    Science    3D
Take an express journey to the edge of the universe as the filmmakers use computer-generated animation to build on images captures by the Hubble Telescope. The animation and story telling absolutely wonderful. Beginning on planet Earth, viewers are hurtled into the deepest reaches of space. There are no stops on this flight, and along the way the mysteries of the universe come alive as we examine the history and science of distant celestial.

Alien Galaxies

   2007    Science
Our galaxy is one of hundreds of billions in the universe. View of universe through the Hubble telescope and go back almost all the way to the Big Bang.
Series: The Universe

Search for ET

   2007    Science
Are we alone? SETI--the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence--is a privately funded project using radio telescopes and optical telescopes to scan the stars for signals.
Series: The Universe