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The New Sultan

   2020    History
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II wages an epic campaign to take the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Twenty-three armies have tried to take the legendary city and all have failed. Out of the carnage, one ruler will emerge victorious and shapes the course of history for centuries. For one empire to rise, another must fall.
The Ottomans, former Anatolian warlords and nomads who've built a burgeoning empire are the biggest threat to the Romans' 1100-year reign. The death of Ottoman Sultan Murad II in 1451 unleashes a chain of events that will soon bring the Ottomans and Romans to the brink of war. After claiming the Ottoman throne, Mehmed II sends an unmistakable signal to Byzantine emperor Constantine XI.
Series: Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Hunting Grounds

   2020    History
This acclaimed series tells how survivors worldwide reveal the manipulation, abuse and emotional scars suffered at the hands of wealthy convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Their stories expose a sex trafficking ring of powerful enablers leading up to his 2019 arrest.
In the first episode, survivors recount how Epstein abused and silenced them as he ran a so-called molestation 'pyramid scheme' out of his Palm Beach mansion.
Series: Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Ancient Prophecies

   2020    History
It's this moment where now both sides realize that no quarter will be asked, and no quarter will be given. Surrender is no longer even an option. You're in this to the end. You either die or you triumph, and there is no other alternative. Amid a spiral of brutality and low morale, Mehmed makes Giustiniani an enticing offer. The grand vizier urges Mehmed to seek a truce with his rival.
Series: Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Ashes to Ashes

   2020    History
Hours before Mehmed II launches his final assault, an ominous sight shakes both sides. Rumors of a 40-ship fleet's imminent arrival have swirled for weeks, but it's exact whereabouts remained unknown. Ottoman cannons reduced the city walls to rubble, and Venetian reinforcements arrived too late. The conquest of Constantinople ushers in a new era for the Ottoman Empire, being a dominant force in world politics for 300 years. Mehmed II, in many senses, changed the nature of world history.
Series: Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Seven Wonders of the New World

   2020    Science    HD
The final episode of the series ponders the fate of planet Earth. Neil deGrasse Tyson opens with a reflection on science and those who help us understand it: 'We all feel the weight of the shadows on our future, but in another time, every bit as ominous as our own, there were those who could see a way through the darkness to find a star to steer by.'
The young Carl Sagan and Neil Tyson first discovered their passion for science at the NY World's Fairs of the past. We visit the dazzling Pavilions of the 2039 NY World's Fair, where problems we currently think intractable have been plausibly solved through public commitment and scientific imagination. And our baby is a woman now, with a baby of her own and a future bright with possibilities.
Series: Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Alien Planets

   2020    Science
Our universe reveals itself in ways we’ve never seen before, thanks to new discoveries in astrobiology. Today, the advent of cutting-edge observational instruments is shedding light on amazing facts about life and the universe. NASA's next-generation space telescope TESS (Exoplanet Survey Satellite) has begun its search for Earth-like planets belonging to other star systems. How many of these 'exoplanets' can host life, and what kind of life forms can evolve in these environments?
Series: Space Phenomena
Dynamic Genomes Series

Dynamic Genomes Series

2019  Medicine


2013  Culture
Nature Great Events

Nature Great Events

2009  Nature
Top Gear

Top Gear

2012  Technology
Worst Ex Ever

Worst Ex Ever

2024  Culture
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture