The documentary delves deep into the mysterious and catastrophic collapse of ancient civilizations during the late Bronze Age, as empires from Greece to ancient Egypt were wiped off the map. It explores the various theories and hypotheses that have emerged to explain their sudden downfall, revealing the tumultuous events that brought an end to a once-thriving era of human history. Through invasions, mega-droughts, natural disasters, and rebellions, we discover the complex web of factors that were involved. With stunning visual imagery, expert interviews and immersive storytelling, this film offers a fascinating glimpse into one of the most pivotal and enigmatic periods of human history. And it warns that we could be facing a similar combination of threats today.
Christopher Reeve was a world movie star, but in 1995 he suffered a near-fatal horseback riding accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. He later became an activist for spinal cord injury treatment and the rights of people with disabilities. This film offers a poignant exploration of Christopher Reeve's extraordinary life, weaving together intimate interviews with his children, Matthew, Alexandra, and Will. It chronicles his journey from a difficult childhood and a strained relationship with his father to his meteoric rise as Superman, a role that made him a global icon. The narrative transitions seamlessly between his career highs—starring in acclaimed films, enduring public missteps, and returning to the stage—and the personal challenges that shaped him, including his complex relationships, the birth of his children, and his eventual romance with Dana Morosini, the love of his life. After the devastating horse-riding accident that left him paralyzed, Reeve's unwavering spirit redefined heroism. The film highlights his advocacy for spinal cord research, the creation of the Christopher Reeve Foundation, and the enduring impact he and Dana had on disability rights. Their story is one of resilience, love, and inspiration, with their children now carrying on their legacy. Through moments of triumph and heartbreak, this film celebrates a man who truly embodied the spirit of Superman, both on and off-screen.
Why are ultra-processed foods so irresistible, and how they have come to dominate food culture? Dr Chris van Tulleken features interviews with former food industry insiders who talk openly about the way in which popular foods have been designed to be irresistible. Food companies go to extraordinary lengths to ensure their products connect with consumers - from using brain scans to assess the deliciousness of ice cream to carefully engineering the sound of a crunch. Ultra-processed foods are hyper-delicious and super-convenient, have long shelf lives and are extremely cheap. But a growing body of evidence is linking these products to our declining health.
Sir David Attenborough reveals how Mammals have conquered the Earth, uncovering the secrets to their success with their winning design, incredible adaptability, unrivalled intelligence, and unique sociability. 66 million years ago, when the reign of the dinosaurs came to an end, mammals were set free to exploit every corner of the planet. Mammals reveals the strategies, behaviours and traits that lie behind the astonishing success of this remarkable group of animals. Above all, the series celebrates the amazing intelligence that enables mammals to learn, remember, problem-solve, parent, and co-operate. Experience the complete six-episode series in a single video, showcasing how mammals have adapted to thrive in every major environment on Earth. They inhabit every ocean and continent, from frozen wildernesses and dense jungles to baking deserts, the dark depths of the ocean, and even the skies above our forests.
Step into the Beatlemania Era: Beatles '64 takes you back to February 1964, when four young musicians from Liverpool turned the United States upside down. Relive the frenzy of their iconic debut on The Ed Sullivan Show, watched by over 73 million viewers, and feel the pulse of their groundbreaking performance at the Washington Coliseum. Featuring rare, never-before-seen footage captured by acclaimed filmmakers Albert and David Maysles, digitally restored, this documentary unearths the Beatles’ meteoric rise to superstardom and the cultural revolution they ignited. Experience History Reimagined: With fresh insights from Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, and audio remixed using cutting-edge technology by Giles Martin, Beatles '64 brings the spirit of the era to life like never before. Explore the personal dynamics of the Fab Four as they navigate a whirlwind of fame, fan hysteria, and musical innovation. Accompanied by a vibrant soundtrack featuring their timeless hits, this film immerses you in an extraordinary moment when music and culture collided, changing the world forever.
Pulls back the curtain on the world's top brands, exposing the hidden tactics and covert strategies used to keep all of us locked in an endless cycle of buying, no matter the cost. Few among us are immune to the thrills of a good buy. Whether you’re partial to designer handbags, mall brand clothing hauls, high-tech gadgets, or whatever’s on the shelves as you browse your favorite megastore, there’s always another item for sale that feels like it’s just right for you. And as it turns out, that’s all by design. In this film, the architects of our collective desire for endless consumption reveal how corporations are hell-bent on increasing profits, how they convince unsuspecting consumers time and time again to part with their money, and what happens when all of our discarded purchases make their way to landfills. Commentators who witnessed the inner workings of corporations from Amazon to Apple sit down to talk about the unsavory practices their former employers are still using. But while we’re all being encouraged to quench a bottomless thirst for more stuff, it’s the future generations and our environment that end up paying the price.
Through invasions, mega-droughts, natural disasters, and rebellions, we discover the complex web of factors that were involved. With stunning visual imagery, expert interviews and immersive storytelling, this film offers a fascinating glimpse into one of the most pivotal and enigmatic periods of human history. And it warns that we could be facing a similar combination of threats today.