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Dead or Alive

   2021    History
The Caribbean is home to a notorious band of British pirates called the Flying Gang. They plunder merchant ships, sailing from the Americas to Europe and Africa. England's King George I has had enough, so he comes up with a shock tactic to end piracy. It's an offer from the King, a pardon, clemency for those who turn their backs on piracy. Those who refuse will be hunted down and hanged. Two pirates, Blackbeard and Charles Vane stand the King's man, Woodes Rogers. Who will win the final battle?
Series: The Lost Pirate Kingdom

aka Max Gomez

   2020    Culture
Hector Berrellez identifies the mysterious Cuban who interrogated Kiki Camarena: a veteran CIA operative, Felix Rodriguez, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal. Although warned not to take his investigation further, Hector refuses and is eventually forced into retirement. The case languishes for years, and then a new source comes forward with a shocking allegation.
Series: The Last Narc

Wild Wild Country Part Two

   2018    Culture
Ma Anand Sheela and several other followers recount their experiences of moving to the ranch and the hostility from the residents of the city of Antelope. With the help of architects, engineers, city planners and commune residents, Rajneeshees construct a town called Rajneeshpuram. The commune decides to become self-governing which would allow them to issue their own building permits and have separate law enforcement.
Locals describe their mistrust towards Bhagwan. The American press begins to affiliate Rajneeshpuram with the Jonestown Massacre and paints Bhagwan as an antichrist. The group '1000 Friends of Oregon' initiates a court case to have the buildings of Rajneeshpuram destroyed. In response, Sheela begins buying up available properties in Antelope.
Series: Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country Part Four

   2018    Culture
The U.S. authorities granted Bhagwan's visa as a religious teacher and leader. But local officials try to build a case against the Rajneeshees with the largest immigration fraud in the history of the United States. When Sheela's thirst for power, even with murder attempts, is revealed, the Bhagwan finally breaks his silence.
Series: Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country Part Six

   2018    Culture
With increasing rumours of a pending arrest intensified, the Bhagwan flees the ranch. The two Learjets carrying Rajneesh and ten of his followers lands at the Charlotte airport, where U.S. police were waiting for them. The United States Marshals Service arrests Rajneesh. Almost simultaneously, Sheela and several followers are also arrested in Germany. In a federal court in Portland, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh pleads guilty to immigration fraud charges and agrees to leave the country. The Bhagwan's devotees -- and his enemies -- reflect on his legacy.
Series: Wild Wild Country


   2021    Medicine
The episode is a journey through the human gut and the process of turning food into energy to keep the body going. Humans have turned eating into culture, a way to celebrate our roots, to bring us together. But food is really just one thing: Fuel. It's where you get the power to live your life. Even when you're sitting completely still, your body needs a lot of energy to stay on. But nowhere is the need for fuel more apparent than when you push yourself to the absolute limit. And the microbiome, the bacteria living in our gut, plays a great role in all this.
Series: Human: The World Within