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Luangwa: The Emerald Valley

   2021    Nature
At the very end of East Africa's Great Rift Valley, there's a 'land that time forgot'--the rolling grasslands of the Luangwa Valley. Seemingly untouched plains teem with Africa's most iconic animals. Some are unique to this place, others are critically endangered elsewhere.
Here, prey exist in remarkable balance, each taking advantage of the secret at the heart of this Eden, the mighty Luangwa River and its dramatic annual transformation from dusty inferno to emerald paradise.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

Galapagos: Enchanted Isles

   2021    Nature
600 miles off the coast of South America in the Pacific Ocean there are 120 tropical islands that erupted from the deep ocean floor more than 10 million years ago. Journey from the lava ramparts to its fiery heart, we'll discover how the Galapagos archipelago became one of the most important areas of biodiversity in the world.
Those swept here by storms and currents survived million to one odds to find untouched islands free from competition. These hardy pioneers evolved in remarkable ways in what's known as Nature's Greatest Experiment. Home to bizarre specialists and unexpected giants, the most precious collection of island creatures on Earth.
Series: Eden: Untamed Planet

War of the Galaxies

   2021    Science
Our universe is at war. The universe is a very violent and deadly place. Entire galaxies fight to the death. Only the strongest survive. If a galaxy wants to stay alive, it has to feed on other galaxies. Our own galaxy also fights for survival. These battles are how galaxies live, grow, and die. These collisions got us to where we are today, and they're going to determine the future of the universe.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Secret Lives of Neutrinos

   2021    Science
Our world, our solar system, our universe, none of it would exist without a ghostly particle called the neutrino. They are our early warning system whenever there's trouble in the universe. Neutrinos trigger star-killing explosions, supernovas. Neutrinos can answer so many questions, from why do we exist to how was the universe created. Neutrinos can be the very reason that we exist at all. The more we understand these elusive particles, the more we can gain insight into how the universe works.
Series: How the Universe Works Series 9

Desert Empire

   2020    Nature
There is one miniature fierce queen, hardly bigger than a grain of rice. Enter the fascinating, and sometimes brutal world of honey ants, struggling not just for survival, but power - all in service of their fearless leader, the queen. Her story has it all-- ambition, murder, and a great army of female warriors on the rampage.
Series: Fierce Queens


2004  Science
The Universe

The Universe

2007  Science
The Making of the Mob

The Making of the Mob

2016  History


2006  Art
The Jinx

The Jinx

2024  History