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Steve Jobs Man in the Machine

   2015    History
Directed by Alex Gibney, it follows the life and work of ex-Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Gibney starts the doc by showing how much people around the world worship Steve Jobs as if he were an idol. He then provides you with a wealth of background information about Jobs' childhood, teenage and college years including how he formed Apple Inc. Fortunately, not all of the doc is hagiography because Gibney does briefly delve into the darker side of Jobs, particularly how selfish he was and mistreated those around him including his ex-wife. Jobs comes across as a charming, intelligent narcissist who knows how to captivate an audience whenever he speaks. In other words, like all great narcissists, he's a very good actor. Gibney certainly knows how to choose the right subject because Jobs' complexity makes him all the more captivating and worthy of a feature-length film. As is usually the case with Gibney's docs, this one is slickly-edited and has just the right amount of comic relief, mostly in the brief video of an young boy joyfully lists all of Apple's technological devices that Steve Jobs created. You'll catch a glimpse of what makes Jobs fallible, and find a little mildly provocative food for thought about the advancement of modern technology, i.e. how technology helps to connect us to one another yet alienates us at the same time.


   2016    Technology
Technology is evolving from an external tool we wield when needed to an always-there presence that is with us, on us, even inside of us. As we become more and more wired, are we becoming digital devices ourselves? In this episode meet a Swedish mom who implanted an RFID chip as a lifestyle choice; a filmmaker who lost his eye in a gun accident and replaced it with a camera; and the so-called "world most connected man," who uses between 300-700 tracking and life logging systems to monitor every aspect of his life.
Series: Dark Net


   2016    Technology
The Internet promises us escape from reality. We can go places we never thought possible and express ourselves as never before. But as we sit in our homes surrounded by screens, are we free... and safe? In this episode meet a woman pulled into an online cult from the safety of her bedroom; a former pilot who suffers from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and can only find relief in the absence of electricity and wifi; plus, a quadriplegic who uses cutting-edge adaptive robotics and virtual reality to transcend his body's limitations.
Series: Dark Net

Dark Net Rewire

   2016    Technology
The Internet enables us to connect with people, images and information in ways that were unimaginable 30 years ago. But with every click we are re-wiring the physical structure of our brains. Are we evolving or actively de-evolving down a dopamine-laced click-hole? In this episode meet a 17-year-old boy struggling with an addiction to online pornography; autistic technologists in Silicon Valley who are turning their genetic variation to an advantage; plus, Nootropics, a class of cognition-enhancing supplements that claims to rewire the brain.
Series: Dark Net

Is Privacy Dead

   2016    Technology
We live under a billion unblinking eyes - a global surveillance system that solves crime and uncovers terrorist plots. But are we ready for a world without secrets - where not even our homes are off-limits and corporations know our every desire?
Series: Through the Wormhole Season 7

Quantum Computing

   2016    Technology
These scientists are part of a global race. It's been running for over a decade... to build a mythical machine, the holy grail of calculations - a quantum computer. Remarkably, first-generation quantum computers have started to appear. Indeed, earlier this year, Google bought one. The D-Wave 2.
Series: Catalyst
Space Race

Space Race

2005  Technology
Planet Earth

Planet Earth

2007  Nature
The Planets

The Planets

2000  Science
The Story of the Jews

The Story of the Jews

2013  History
The Hunt

The Hunt

2015  Nature