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The Robot

   2019    Technology
For most of our history, we humans considered ourselves unique. But now, a new, artificial species might challenge our superiority. Mechanical beings have the potential to change everything. How we got them is a story of astonishing twists and amazing turns to achieve us the machine that may turn out to be the most revolutionary technology ever conceived--the robot.
Learn how robots were first conceptualized in ancient Rome and see how their use has evolved over the centuries, from the calculator to the Mars Lander. Then, take a sneak peek at what future robots will be able to do. Narrated by Patrick Stewart.
Series: Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World

Changing Planet

   2019    Nature    HD
At a time when the Earth’s surface is changing faster than ever in human history, watch cities grow, forest disappear and glaciers melt.
In the ever-growing grey of cities one man is feeding thousands of parakeets; in Sumatra a female orang-utan and her daughter face life in a forest under threat; while in Tanzania local people use satellites to replant a forest, securing the future for a family of chimpanzees. This is our home as we’ve never seen it before.
Series: Earth from Space

T Rex Timeline

   2019    Science    HD
The Tyrannosaurus Rex is known as the king of the dinosaurs, but how did its reign begin? Meet Moros Intrepidus, a 180 lb., deer-sized ancestor to the T-Rex. Learn how the latest in palaeontology can now link this small dinosaur to the 19,000-pound Scotty, the largest T-Rex ever discovered.
We're filling in gaps in the history of well-known dinosaurs and we're finding specimens of even the most famous dinosaur that are telling us new things about their biology, about their growth, about their size, that we didn't know before. We are nowhere at the end of learning about dinosaurs and in generations to come, we will be knowing things about the lives of these ancient creatures that would probably blow our minds.
Series: Breakthrough

Patterned Planet

   2018    Nature    HD
Earth's surface is covered in weird and wonderful patterns. The Australian outback is covered in pale spots, the work of wombats; a clearing in the endless green canopy of the Congo rainforest has been created by an incredible elephant gathering; and the twists and turns of the Amazon make a home for rehabilitated manatees. This is our home, as we've never seen it before.
Series: Earth from Space


   2018    Culture
The Series 'In Search of' conducted investigations into the controversial, paranormal and mysterious. The producer's purpose is to suggest some possible explanations, but not necessarily the only ones, to the mysteries examined. The 2018 revival is presented by Zachary Quinto.
In this episode, Zach wants to understand how a person can be superhuman. He meets a man who bent the metal frame of a car door with his bare hands in a moment of crisis; a man who can feel no pain; and a Shaolin warrior monk, who teaches him how to harness superhuman powers of his own.
Series: In Search of

Touching the Sun

   2019    Science    HD
For all of human history, the Sun, our home star, has measured our days and our seasons while fueling all life on Earth. Yet it remains an enigma. NASA's Parker Probe Plus is on a mission to change that, flying through dangerous radiation to become the closest spaceship to orbit our Sun.
It's a journey to the center of our solar system, a mission to gather information about the most critical celestial body in the sky, our star.
Series: Breakthrough
Worst Ex Ever

Worst Ex Ever

2024  Culture


2020  History
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture
War of the Century

War of the Century

2005  History
Reel Rock

Reel Rock

2014  Culture
The Human Body

The Human Body

1998  Medicine