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Jacques-Louis David

   2006    Art
Painting became an important means of communication for David since his face was slashed during a sword fight and his speech became impeded by a benign tumour that developed from the wound, leading him to stammer. He was interested in painting in a new classical style that departed from the frivolity of the Rococo period and reflected the mor and austere climate before the French Revolution. David became closely aligned with the republican government and his work was increasingly used as propaganda with the Death of Marat proving his most controversial work.   Show More
Series: Power of Art

The Moon

   2007    Science    3D
Learn about what the moon is made and its formation; how it played a role in the evolution of life on Earth; and the future plans of NASA to establish a permanent base on the surface. Know more about moons on other planets.
Series: The Universe

The Genius of Charles Darwin: The Fifth Ape

   2008    Culture
Richard Dawkins deals with some of the philosophical and social ramifications of the theory of evolution. Dawkins starts out in Kenya, speaking with palaeontologist Richard Leakey. He then visits Christ is the Answer Ministries, Kenya's largest Pentecostal church, to interview Bishop Bonifes Adoyo. Adoyo has led the movement to press Kenya's ...national museum to sideline its collection of hominid bones pointing to man's evolution from ape to human.[5] The collection includes the Turkana Boy discovered by Kamoya Kimeu, a member of a team led by Richard Leakey in 1984. Dawkins discusses social darwinism and eugenics, explaining how these are not versions of natural selection, and that 'Darwin has been wrongly tainted'. He then meets with evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker to discuss how morals can be compatible with natural selection. He goes on to explaining sexual selection, with peafowls as an example. To find out whether sexual selection plays a role for altruism and kindness among humans, he visits women who are looking for sperm donors, as well as a sperm bank manager. Dawkins also explains kin selection and selfish genes.   Show More

Expanding Universe

   2013    Science
Brian travels across the US and encounters some astonishing creatures that reveal how the senses evolved. It is a story that takes him through life's journey, from single-celled organisms to sentient beings.
Series: Wonders of Life

When East Meets West

   2007    Art
Andrew Graham-Dixon examines early Christian art and the reasons for its evolution during the Renaissance. He also reveals just how far modern artists have been influenced by the pre-perspective view of the world.
Series: Art of Eternity

Beautiful Minds: Richard Dawkins

   2012    History
Professor Richard Dawkins explain how his unique scientific perspectives have redefined how we think about the world around us and describe his big moment or discovery. Dawkins reveals how he came to write The Selfish Gene in 1976, an explosive book which divided the scientific community and made him the most influential evolutionary biologis ...t of his generation, and how this made him an outspoken spokesman for atheism.   Show More
Leaving Neverland

Leaving Neverland

2019  Culture


2009  Nature
Generation Iron

Generation Iron

2018  History
Top Gear

Top Gear

2012  Technology
The Human Body

The Human Body

1998  Medicine
Apocalypse: World War 1

Apocalypse: World War 1

2014  History